Discover Cecil - Part 1: Issues in Animal-Based Industries

Cecil Alliance Foundation
3 min readJul 18, 2019


With the Cecil Alliance whitepaper and website launch right around the corner, we decided to take a quick look at some of our project’s core principles. In Part 1, we are diving into many of the issues that plague data handling in animal-based industries.

Cecil Alliance is building the Internet of Animals. We are focused on accumulating an unprecedented collection of animal data so that its value can be fully recognized and utilized. To accomplish that, there are many challenges within the various animal industries that must be solved. These challenges are present throughout the entire process of collecting, managing, and sharing animal-related data.

Cecil Alliance is establishing a unified process that will cut down on the amount of falsified and fraudulent data while providing a modern and standardized method to upload and store information used for identification, evaluation, breeding, training, and handling. Issues with current methods leads to a number of major dilemmas, including:

  • Inaccurate data
  • Falsified data
  • Hindered Scientific Advancement
  • Fraudulent activities enabled by a lack of regulatory oversight

These issues impact a number of large and influential industries. A brief summary is provided below:

Wildlife Conservation

Cecil Alliance supports conservation efforts by using blockchain technology to verify documents and data related to wildlife and the legal wildlife transport chain. Wildlife research data is plagued by data silos, undermining the usefulness of collected data. Cecil Alliance will also be used to increase the transparency of fundraising efforts, building trust with donors while increasing their efficacy.


As one of the largest industries in the world, the digitalization of the livestock represents an important sector for Cecil Alliance. Through the Cecil Alliance Platform, durable IoT Solutions will be offered to consumers, farmers, and regulators with verified data regarding the handling and condition of both animals and food products, reducing the spread of disease while increasing buyer confidence.


Despite the enormous price tags found within the equine industry, little can be done to verify the authenticity of documents, including medical records and background information. As the industry is expanding at a staggering rate throughout the Middle East and Asia, trustless data is becoming an even higher priority.


Blockchain technology can greatly improve the quality and quantity of verified data within the pet industry. Vaccination history, medical records and breeding information can be confirmed through the use of digital identities, empowering owners and facilitating the safe and legal sale of pets.


The strong public backlash against zoos has accelerated the need for more transparency. A lack of shared data, health-tracking systems, and IoT solutions limits the effectiveness of zoos and researchers. Cecil Alliance’s Internet of Animals can help monitor and protect the animals being transported and housed in zoos around the world.

Through the use of state-of-the-art IoT and blockchain solutions, Cecil Alliance can address real issues in a number of high-value industries. Social responsibility is a key motivation for solving these problems, as we believe they lead towards the sustainability and protection of animals around the world.

Learn more about the Cecil Alliance Foundation (CAF) in Part 2.

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