cecilia fx
2 min readOct 21, 2016


When I was in High School — which was a VERY LONG TIME ago — I recall some of the girls saying, “If you want guys to like you …….” and then they would list all the things you were required to do which was basically like twisting yourself into a pretzel.

I balked at this entire notion. If anyone doesn't like me Just The Way I Am, they can go fly a kit. I can’t waste time with people who wish to play games. And I will never live my life untruthfully. That isn’t healthy.

Of course, as one grows up one realizes the value of diplomacy. This doesn’t mean I should ever lie, however. An adult knows when to say something and when to keep quiet. But when I speak and act I am Always honest.

My Grandmother was a VERY educated women and taught her daughters, granddaughter and grandson to value education. “You can be anything you want” was the standard I was raised with. And my Grandfather always valued me and my intellect. That was a huge source of my self confidence.

The best way to raise women up is to make sure they are fully and completely educated.

Did I find sexist idiots during the course of my career? You bet! I turned around and walked away. My goal was to keep looking for decent human beings to work with and I did. I don’t believe you can change anyone’s mind about anything. But you can refuse to allow people to disrespect you. Maybe if we ALL turn our backs on sexists they will find themselves alone.

