Supply Chain: Revolutionizing a Traditional Industry with Blockchain at Ardnamurchan

4 min readAug 9, 2023


Whiskey Brand Committed to Sustainability

Ardnamurchan, founded in 1826, is a prestigious whiskey distillery from Scotland. The hallmark of Ardnamurchan’s success lies in the unparalleled quality of its whiskey, and its unwavering commitment to sustainability and green principles. Their rich heritage and unique production process sets Ardnamurchan apart from the rest.

“The whisky production is a zero-sum process. What you get at the end has to match the raw material’s quantities. How can I proof precisely and transparently our whiky production? Blockchain” Ardnamurchan CEO

In an era of heightened consumer awareness and demands for transparency, Ardnamurchan faced the challenge of proving the authenticity and traceability of their product process to instill trust among their customers.

This was a pivotal moment for Ardnamurchan, as they knew they had to embrace technology to safeguard their core values.

Blockchain technology emerged as the solution, but its complexity and unfamiliarity were formidable hurdles for a traditional distillery like Ardnamurchan. Businesses often struggle to find developers proficient in Solidity, the blockchain programming language, and managing data within the blockchain can be complex and inefficient.

“Frictionless blockchain integration. With Cedalio we solved a 3 months problem in days” Gonza Escanadarani CTO of Zerf Tech company that integrate the solution.

The Solution: Using Cedalio to add traceability to their production process

To realize their vision of transparency, traceability, and accessibility, Ardnamurchan found a perfect ally in Cedalio, that harnesses the power of blockchain technology to build apps with inherent verifiability and auditability. Cedalio’s user-friendly interface and simplified development process were ideal for Ardnamurchan, as it did not require specialized expertise in blockchain development or Smart Contracts.

The primary objective of partnering with Cedalio was to allow customers to trace the story of each bottle they purchase, providing access to individualized data that chronicles the whiskey’s journey from inception to their hands. Through QR codes and scannable technology, Ardnamurchan customers can directly interact with their bottles and gain comprehensive insight into the whiskey’s production process.

This not only adds intrinsic value to the product but also enables customers to connect with the unique story behind the whiskey bottle they possess.

The Implementation Journey

Ardnamurchan took the bold step of integrating Cedalio into their production processes.

A Server to Server architecture was meticulously crafted for Ardnamurchan, enabling seamless integration with their existing ERP system. With Cedalio connected directly to their ERP, only authorized ERP users could input information, while all users had the privilege to access and review the data through the intuitive GraphQL API.

The implementation of Cedalio’s secure access and processes allowed Ardnamurchan to achieve product authentication, ensuring the integrity of their data. Every change is logged and made unchangeable, establishing a robust trail of provenance and trust.

The GraphQL schema played a crucial role in mapping out every productive step and capturing essential parameters along the way.

Dividing the process into three main stages, Ardnamurchan ensured that each stage had a corresponding schema to accommodate both input and output parameters, making the system adaptable to future changes or expansions.

By following a straightforward flow, Ardnamurchan users could log in using their wallet credentials, verifying their access privileges and receiving a JWT (JSON web token) for executing operations. The addition of information was made seamlessly, as Cedalio’s gateway efficiently processed and stored the data on the selected blockchain network.

The Fruit of Innovation

Embracing Cedalio’s blockchain solution turned out to be a game-changer for Ardnamurchan. As a result, they now have a more loyal and trusting customer base. Each bottle of Ardnamurchan whiskey becomes a unique asset, with an enthralling story to tell.

Thanks to blockchain technology, Ardnamurchan can vouch for every step of the manufacturing process, empowering customers to discover the provenance of their bottle right back to its origin. This not only builds trust in Ardnamurchan’s process but also enriches the customers’ knowledge of the whiskey they savor.

In conclusion, Cedalio’s innovative platform has enabled Ardnamurchan to seamlessly merge traditional values with cutting-edge technology. By leveraging blockchain, they have become trailblazers in their industry, setting new standards for transparency and provenance traceability. Ardnamurchan’s commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction remains unwavering, and with Cedalio’s support, their journey to revolutionize the whiskey world continues.




A database that is verifiableand auditable by default