Inside The Biggest Day In CEDEX’s History

3 min readApr 8, 2018


Some of you may have heard about CEDEX, a relatively new company that aims to change what is essentially a highly isolated diamond industry that has been left to its own devices for the longest time.

But don’t feel bad about yourself if you haven’t — there are so many ICO’s happening these days, and so many companies and start-ups aiming to disrupt and innovate age old industries, not to mention the booming cryptocurrency world, in which, it seems you could go to sleep with one reality and wake up in a completely different one.

But CEDEX is here to stay — not only does it aim to change the way diamonds are traded all over the world, while establishing a brand-new cryptocurrency and trade method, it also represents the ongoing work of many talented individuals from various industries all working towards the same goal.

For the longest time, the entire project was alive only in theory, the brainchild of multiple people, but on March 16th CEDEX went live, and those dreams became a reality, what happened in the hours and days that followed was proof enough that the efforts, sleepless nights and collective will were all completely justified.

Friday morning was a time of great anticipation in the CEDEX offices — multiple employees were spread out across rooms, every available seat and computer station were all manned — last minute technical issues to iron out, various security and load tests and graphics updates to do, and then — it was time to launch the CEDEX pre-sale.

For obvious reasons, we can’t really share the exact details of what happened in the moments that followed, but as many of you who were there for the launch — on the site and across our social media accounts the pre-sale was a smashing success, one that exceeded everyone’s expectations.

The CEDEX team came prepared for a long stay on Friday — there was food (lots of food), lots of drinks and snacks, some even brought sleeping bags, the entire team was there and ready for a long day and night.

But there was no need for sleeping bags, no need for a long night, and the food would last us until the middle of the following week, because the pre-sale was over within 3 hours and 54 minutes as CEDEX reached its goal of 25 million CEDEX coins sold.

There was relief, joy but also a sense of renewed challenge — this was the easy part, now comes the real challenge — growing CEDEX into a force that can achieve everything the team behind it believes it can, and everything that CEDEX supporters put their faith in.

Said Saar Levi, CEDEX CEO & Co-Founder — We’ve worked towards launching this ICO for over a year now, and while we had indications that the pre-sale would go well, but we had no way of knowing that all our supporters would be that enthusiastic.

We still have a way to go before we can fulfill all our ambitions, but this shows me, and our entire team that our efforts were justified and that the cryptocurrency market and community is interested in what CEDEX can bring to the table, both now and in the future.

Boaz Hillel, CEDEX Marketing & Biz Dev added — The weekend we had was quite great for CEDEX, from the professional and business standpoints, but we are not stopping now, we plan on expanding our team and making sure that CEDEX becomes as great of a success as all of us believe it can be.

The CEDEX public sale is still ongoing, but time is running out — this ICO will end Saturday, April 14th at 11am GMT so now would be a great time to join what is already a successful ICO, one that has the foundation to last and, as we said earlier — move an entire industry off its fixation with “how things are done” and into the age of technology.

You can check out the CEDEX website, follow them on Facebook or Twitter or even join their ever-growing Telegram community for discussions with fellow CEDEX contributors.

