Different Types of Air Locks

Cedric Walson
4 min readJul 28, 2018


Airlock ensures classified area that may happen amid the men and material development.

“Air lock framework” in pharmaceutical assembling to maintain a strategic distance from the possibility of cross contamination and to isolate distinctive process area.

Airlocks are shut room having at least two entryways between two diverse controlled areas having distinctive cleanliness level as class B and Class C, Class C and Class D areas. These airlocks avoid coordinate air stream between these areas amid the passage of material or staff.

Airlocks are called PAL (Personnel Air Lock) when utilized for work force and MAL (Material Air Lock) when utilized for exchanging the material.

In by and large, there are three fundamental airlock plan that can be joined or utilized separately to ensure the clean room or potentially avoid cross contamination between two nearby areas of various process tasks served by two distinctive HVAC framework. These three airlocks are:

1.0 Cascade Airlock

2.0 Bubble Airlock

3.0 Sink Airlock

1.0 Cascade Airlock: These airlock are extremely regular having higher weight on one side and lower weight on another side. In this framework positive air weight streams from the higher weight inside zone to be airlock and from the airlock to the lesser lower weight review area. This forestalls to passage residue and contamination from outside to airlock and from airlock to inward side.


Any assembling offices where the item requires assurance from particulate yet the general population outside the clean-room needn’t bother with insurance from the item in the clean room.

2.0 Bubble Airlock: These sorts of airlock having higher weight inside the airlock and lower weight both outside. It makes an obstruction where contaminants inside either area pushed again into their own particular individual areas.


Utilized as a part of, areas where the item needs insurance and the general population outer to the cleanrooms require assurance from the item, to decrease the likelihood of practical expressive from entering the lesser weight clean-room. Area, for example, higher strength, exacerbating areas terminal sanitization isn’t a choice.

3.0 Sink Airlock: Airlocks having lower weight inside the airlock and higher weight on the two sides of the airlock. This airlock pulls air from both neighboring areas making a low weight hindrance and decreases the chance of contaminations going to the interior zone.


In numerous examination offices, substance that are investigated are very risky, and it is fundamental to shield them from being uncovered. Amid a couple of sort of creation process in a clean-room, air from a debased area must be contained one place.

A legitimate URS and topic mastery is the need of great importance to configuration, qualify and work such clean room offices with great airlocks, In one way we would call Airlocks in pharmaceuticals are ventricles of heart. In the event that they come up short the entire framework breakdown.


Vital thought

FDA Guidance for industry states:

“Air change rate is another vital clean room outline parameter. For Class 100,000 ( ISO 8 ) supporting rooms, airflow adequate to accomplish no less than 20 air changes for every hour is ordinarily satisfactory.” Design requires hard numbers, so there is allurement for the outline group to utilize this announcement as a last Quality position — that 20 air changes is worthy in a Grade C area.”

Contiguous rooms of various evaluations ought to have a weight differential of 10–15 pascals (direction esteems) and 12.5 Pa between a classified and non-classified room.

Entryways of the airlocks ought to be available to higher weight side which help to close the entryway.

Interlocking framework ought to be given to keep the opening of the two entryways at once.

An alert ought to be given to demonstrate that one entryway is opened. It keeps the section of contamination through the airlocks.

Higher air changes every hour rate ought to be kept up in the airlock, it ought to be least 20 air changes for each hour. It expels the contaminants entered from the outside effortlessly.

Airlocks ought to be kept unfilled, material, for example, articles of clothing, shoes covers and so forth ought not kept in the airlocks. I have watched it ordinarily in pharmaceuticals keeping these articles in airlocks.

In Pharmaceutical, Bio-Pharmaceutical and clean assembling, the clean room condition is the real essential for all assembling action: without a legitimate development instrument and foundation condition, no drug can be created for persistent utilization.

The expectations and object are the truth of steady, dependent, and agreeable task inside a firmly controlled and checked condition. Tight User Requirements or Design Philosophies must be composed or inked down before building Airlocks in clean rooms. The test for any Quality unit is to characterize URS in light of administrative contemplations when the office sends out an item in various administrative areas.

