Colin Keapernicks refined throwing motion

Cedrick Richter


Everyone who follows the NFL (National Football League) probably knows who Colin Keapernick is. The starting quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers exploded on to the NFL scene in 2012 after the then starting quarterback Alex Smith sustained a concussion in the middle of a tough game against division rivals St.Louis Rams. Colin Keapernick came into the game and never looked back taking the starting job from Smith and leading the 49ers to the Super Bowl nearly pulling of the most incredible comebacks in Superbowl history falling 4 yards short of a victory.

One of the main reasons for Keapernicks success was his mobility. He wasn’t a typical pocket passing quarterback but rather beat defenses with his legs and throwing on the run evading pressure and always threatening to pull of a big play. Since then 2012 season Keapernick still has continued to play well overall and just recently last season ran for a 99 yard touchdown if you count the spot from where he started moving forward after backpedalling. Keapernick has had his struggles though, dealing with accuracy and decision making issues that caused him to regress a bit. Because of his struggles the 49ers were only able to reach a record of 8–8 and miss the playoffs after 3 consecutive years of reaching at least the NFC championship game. Of course you can’t blame everything on Keapernick but he does deserve his fair share of criticism.

He even acknowledged this by working on refining his throwing motion and improving his decision making by working with Super Bowl MVP Kurt Warner in Arizona. One of the main things you can now see that Keapernick has been working on his throwing motion so that the ball gets out of his hands faster and with more accuracy as well as being able to throw touch passes and not just bullet passes.


The throwing motion has changed for him now throwing more compact and tight to his body with a quick release instead of his old form where he brought his arm further out and threw the football more like a baseball pitcher would throw which makes sense since he did play baseball and was even drafted by the Chicago Cubs in 2009 but decided to continue playing football and so has a history of playing baseball and therefore his throwing motion in football has been affected by his time as a baseball player.

Source: Mercery news and Bayareasportsguy

Of course its a work in progress as you can’t just change something you have done for your whole life in a few months but Keapernick is taking the important steps he has to so he can unleash his full potential and lead his team to a Super Bowl victory.

