1 min readSep 21, 2016


His and Her

A month of May.

She is the girl who talks to me in the at night.

I always wondering. Why she even talk to me? How can she handle a boy like me, crazy ,playboy and always think differently from other guy.

Everyday I felt like she’s special to me.

And then one day. When she’s not around I felt like I’m not complete anymore. I felt like something is missing.

And from that day. I expresses how much I love her. And like my heart keeps pounding when I think of her.

I will never forget the day I met her personally even she’s my former classmate. But somethings here in my heart that feels like its my first time I met her.

And now she is with me. I will never ever leave her. I love her. and every the day she tells me that she loves me too, I always treasure that.

She’s my love and will be forever be my love. This the story of His and Her. A letter that comes from the heart of “HIS”

I love her. always and always!❤❤

I love you a.arcillas ! from your king. Ilove you!

