Come up with a Design for your Booth that is Spectacular

Darryl Neal
3 min readFeb 8, 2018


There are unlimited possibilities when it comes to booth designs, but you have to feel confident about the approach you take. You need something that is spectacular all the way around. You need to think outside of the box and push the limits. Don’t stay in a comfort zone and use an idea you have already used before or you have seen others use.

The reason that would work well is consumers have already seen it plenty too. They want something that grabs them! Always keep in mind when you think about booth designs they have the choose to stop and look or to walk on by. What are you going to offer them to ensure they stop? You don’t have to do this on your own, hire experts to help you.

Think Outside of the Box

Let the ideas flow, jot them all down. Let your mind wonder to new territory when it comes to booth designs. Take this information with you to those meetings and share what you came up with. Too often, people feel intimidated to go this route with their designers. Yet they do want your input as it makes it easier for them to find something you will be blown away by.

In addition to sharing your own ideas, like to and welcome their input. They may be able to put a creative spin on a basic idea you have. They may be able to explain to you why a certain idea isn’t a good route to explore. They want the outcome of this project to work well for you. They also want it to be a positive testimony to the quality of the work they offer and deliver.

Evaluate the Options

You don’t have to make those big decisions all at once either. Take some time to really think about what is on the table. Think about the cost of it, the amount of time it will involve, and the complexity of it. Ask any questions you may have and look at the visuals they share with you. All of this will help to bring your booth designs to life.

Try to look at them through the consumers point of view, not just your own. This is where the provider can be very objective. They can evaluate the market and think about what they would like to see that emotionally gets them to take a closer look at the products or services your business offers.

In the end, the provider is going to make exactly what you are happy with. A professional will never force you to accept a concept you don’t feel matches your business goals or ideals. They want you to really fall in love with it and to back it 100%. They will continue to modify it until you tell them you are pleased with what you see.

Find the Best Fit for your Business Needs and Message

The hardest part of booth designs may be to narrow it down and to decide on that final outcome. There can be plenty of great ideas in the mix, and you can take bits and pieces of them. Try to start this process early too so you have plenty of time to look at all that is on the table. You don’t want to move into the production phase until you are completely sure it is the best fit.

The booth designs are going to be a part of your business and the impression others get about it. What type of message do you want them to deliver? How do you want your business to be recognised? This process can be the start of your business getting noticed and expanding. You don’t want to take something so important lightly!

Offering a booth or presentation at a trade show or exhibition is a great way to get your products or services known. The way in which you offer the information can influence the impact it will have with your potential customer base. We are a leader in offering amazing options for you to have a successful outcome with your set up and presentation. We offer products that are durable, easy to set up and take down, and customised to your needs. Check out our website to see what we can offer you at We are ready to help you get your business noticed!



Darryl Neal

Global Exhibition Stand Contractors, CEI Exhibitions is one of the leading exhibition stand contractors based in the United Kingdom.