There Are Two Types Of People In The World.

Celeste Currie
4 min readDec 16, 2019


“There are two types of people in this world, Rossi. The ones that get over their grief and move on, and the ones that descend into some sort of endless misery.” — Spencer Reid.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The above is a quote from Criminal Minds.

I love Criminal Minds.

Perhaps it’s my vague fascination with the human psyche, maybe it’s the philosophical quotes, or it could just be something to do with hot FBI agents firing guns.

All three probably.

The quotes stand out the most though.

For those who have never watched Criminal Minds, it’s centred around the FBI’s Behavioural Analysis Unit.

They specialise in profiling serial killers, which sees them being called out to new cases to help catch the killer.

Each episode starts and ends with a quote spoken as a voice-over by one of the characters.

Quotes from philosophers, writers or historical figures tie in with the theme of the episode.

So why does this matter?

Because words are profound.

Some words carry such meaning that they deserve to be written down and repeated for eternity, just like the words spoken at the beginning and end of each episode.

We all have words like that.

We all have moments of profound brilliance that deserve the be shared with the world.

Which is why we should all write more.

Never, ever underestimate the power of the written word.

Especially when it’s from your own hand.

In the modern age, it’s so easy to share our words online, with people all over the world, but when we do that, we lose a little of the essence of what was written.

Pen and paper will never go out of style.

The internet can break.

Laptops and phones can run out of battery.

Whatever medium you use to spread your message in its digital format will only exist for as long as the platform operates.

Technology decays quicker than paper which is why I love notebooks so much.

Ideas, statements, revelations, all lost were it not for the humble pen and paper.

When was the last time you wrote something down?

Not your shopping list, or a work reminder, I mean really wrote something down?

Something significant.

Something that matters.

Can you remember?

The art of writing is getting lost amidst a sea of smartphones, so I’m urging you to bring it back.

Write something every day.

A journal, a diary, whatever you want to call it.

Studies have shown that the simple act of journaling can have a profound effect on the way you see not only yourself but your life.

It brings forth honesty and truth.

Creates structure while stimulating creativity.

Provides relief from stress and an overacting mind, while giving a voice to those who daren’t speak.

It’s therapy; a safe place for those who need someone to confide in where they can go and talk freely, without judgment or fear.




A chance to step away from reality and go into the deepest recess’ of your own mind with zero distractions.

Writing can heal.
Writing can bring focus.
Writing can enhance your life in ways you never thought possible.
Writing can build your legacy.

So why then, do we do it so little?

Imagine, 100 years from now the words you wrote being recited at the beginning of an episode of Criminal Minds or some similar show.

Imagine your words quoted by leaders, educators, or even just centre stage in another fucking meme.

Your words.

The words you wrote down.

The words that outlived you.

Speech gets twisted and talk is cheap — people never remember what you did or said, only how you made them feel.

The best way to remind them of that?


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Even if it’s terrible, do it anyway, because somewhere amongst the cacophony of crap will be a moment of brilliance.

And that moment could change your life.

It did for me — I even wrote a book.

You can check it out HERE.

It’s good — and it’s full of mini journaling activities so you can practise your own writing.

So if you want to read about my failed career as a golf pro and what I took from that, please grab a copy.

The proceeds go towards funding my pizza habit.

It’s pretty serious at the moment.



Celeste Currie

Coach. Creative Philosopher. Real Life Power Ranger. Pizza Expert.