7 False Beliefs that Can Hold you Back from Learning French

Céline Guerreiro
4 min readFeb 9, 2023

Did you get stuck when you were learning French?

Did you give up and convince yourself that you don’t have the right “gene” for learning languages?

Let’s start with cutting the ground from under your false beliefs and in the next articles, we will build a system to get your French up and running and say goodbye to your frustration.

#1 False belief : I am too old to learn French

It would have been easier to learn French when you were a kid but if you are enthusiastic and if your method is based on neuroscientific principles, you will be able to learn French!

Thanks to neuroplasticity, you can learn to master French. It could take longer and require more effort than when you were younger but you can do it!

Enthusiasm is the fertilizer of the brain.

An 85 year old German man is capable of learning basic conversational French within a year or two, but if he were to fall in love with a beautiful young 65 year old French woman, he could learn it in 6 months!

#2 Second false belief : I can’t improve my French skills because I can’t travel

You can spend a month in a French speaking country and make zero progress. If you stay in your comfort zone and talk only with English native speakers, watch TV in English and read books in English, you shouldn’t be surprised to see that your French has not improved.

What matters most is the environment regardless of the country you are in.

You can create a French environment without traveling. You can be surrounded by French people, French podcasts, French TV shows in the comfort of your home.

You can talk to French language partners every week online. You can read books in French.

That’s a long-term strategy, and a much more efficient way to learn.

#3 Third false belief : I don’t have enough time to learn French

How much time do you spend on social media ? I’m not going to ask you to reduce your time, but instead to follow French social media accounts.

How long does your weekly commute take you ? You probably can’t reduce that time, but you can listen to your favorite French podcast.

Do you have a dog? Listen to a podcast or an audiobook while you’re taking them for a walk.

Do you have to clean your house and cook? You get it !

Turn all your downtime into learning.

#4 Forth false belief: I don’t have the right “gene” for learning languages

If you think you don’t have a “talent”, this is a false excuse. Everyone can learn if they follow neuroscientific principles.

If you are not making progress, it is because the method you are using does not suit you, is not effective or you have not tested it long enough to reap the benefits.

#5 Fifth false belief : I have to study grammar in a text book

Forget your learning experience at school. You don’t need to study a grammar book and learn the names of the verb tenses to have a conversation with a French speaker. You just have to conjugate verbs and learn from your mistakes and the feedback you will receive.

#6 Sixth false belief : I can’t afford to pay a teacher every week

Who said you needed to pay a teacher? This method doesn’t cost money.

You need to find a language partner, a French native speaker.

Once a week, you will talk for an hour online, thirty minutes in English and thirty minutes in French. Your language partner will help your language journey to take off and you will do the same for them. It really is a game changer!

I’ve been doing it for two and a half years to learn English. It’s the starting point of my method based on neuroscientific principles. If you want to experience this method, book an appointment in my calendly and you can be my language partner for 30 minutes.

#7 Seventh false belief : I can never stick with a method long enough

If you have fun along the way and make progress, your success will drive your motivation.

I will also talk to you about the power of creating good habits and getting rid of bad ones.

Do you have any other false beliefs that may be holding you back from learning French?

Tell me about it in the comments.

I am Céline Guerreiro, a French native speaker and a lifelong learner with a growth mindset.

I help French entrepreneurs to master English and English native speakers to master French thanks to my method “Learn to Grow”. Book a 30 minute appointment with me and I will show you how my method works.

I won’t charge anything. Your only cost is your time (1h per week + 5 minutes per day) and energy. Our 30-minute appointment is to check if you’re a serious learner.



Céline Guerreiro

I am a French native speaker. I help English native speakers to speak French with confidence. Learn from Native Speakers and Speak your Native Language.