Choosing the Ideal Used iPhone for Photography: iPhone 13 Pro vs. iPhone 13 Pro Max

Lauren Fisher
5 min readOct 6, 2023

Regarding mobile photography, Apple’s iPhone has consistently set the benchmark. The iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max, both part of Apple’s prestigious 13 series, have redefined smartphone photography. If you’re in the market for a used iPhone focusing on photography, weighing the pros and cons of these two models is crucial. In this comprehensive comparison, we’ll explore the photography capabilities of the iPhone 13 Pro and the iPhone 13 Pro Max to help you make an informed decision.

Photography Hardware
The iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max share the same core photography hardware, but subtle differences can impact your photography experience. Let’s break down the key hardware features:

Triple-Camera System: Both models feature a triple-camera system on the rear, consisting of a 12-megapixel Ultra-Wide, Wide, and Telephoto lens. This versatile setup lets you capture many scenes, from sweeping landscapes to detailed close-ups.

Optical Zoom: The iPhone 13 Pro offers a 3x optical zoom in, 2x optical zoom out, and 2x optical zoom in the Telephoto lens. In contrast, the iPhone 13 Pro Max offers a 3.5x optical zoom in, 2x optical zoom out, and 2.5x optical zoom in the Telephoto lens. The Pro Max’s additional zoom capability can be advantageous for capturing distant subjects with more clarity.

Sensor-Shift Optical Image Stabilization: Both models incorporate sensor-shift optical image stabilization for the Wide lens. This technology helps reduce blur in photos and videos, especially in low-light conditions or when shooting with a shaky hand.

Night mode: Night mode on both phones is highly effective, allowing you to capture stunning low-light photos with improved detail and reduced noise. It’s available for all three lenses, including the Ultra-Wide and Telephoto.

Deep Fusion: Deep Fusion, a feature enabled by the A15 Bionic chip, enhances image quality by combining multiple exposures to bring out the finest details in your photos. It’s particularly useful for capturing textures and intricate patterns.

Smart HDR 4: Smart HDR 4 technology ensures that your photos have excellent dynamic range, preserving details in the brightest and darkest areas of your images. It’s a valuable tool for high-contrast scenes.

Photography Software
The iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max run on Apple’s iOS, which includes various photography software features and enhancements to help you capture stunning shots. Here are some of the key software features:

ProRAW and ProRes: Both models support ProRAW and ProRes video recording. ProRAW provides more flexibility for post-processing, allowing you to adjust parameters like exposure and color balance with precision. On the other hand, ProRes is geared towards professional video recording, offering high-quality video capture with extensive post-production capabilities.

Photographic Styles: iOS 15 introduces Photographic Styles, which allows you to customize the look of your photos by adjusting settings like tone and color. This feature empowers you to create a consistent and personalized photo aesthetic.

Improved Computational Photography: Both phones benefit from Apple’s computational photography algorithms, which enhance image quality through image fusion, noise reduction, and Smart HDR. These techniques ensure your photos look their best, even in challenging lighting conditions.

Live Text: With Live Text, you can interact with text in your photos. This includes copying, pasting, translating, or looking up information from text in your images. This feature is particularly useful for capturing text-based content or translating foreign languages on the fly.

Cinematic Mode: Cinematic Mode, available on both phones, introduces a new dimension to video recording. It allows you to adjust the focus after recording, creating professional-looking depth-of-field effects in your videos. This feature is especially valuable for aspiring filmmakers and content creators.

Photo and Video Quality
When it comes to photo and video quality, both the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max deliver exceptional results. However, there are some nuances to consider:

Display Size: The most noticeable difference between the two phones is the display size. The iPhone 13 Pro Max’s larger 6.7-inch screen offers a more immersive experience when reviewing and editing photos and videos. This can be advantageous for users who demand precision and detail in their work.

Zoom Capabilities: The Pro Max’s slightly superior optical zoom capabilities (3.5x optical zoom in vs. 3x optical zoom in the Pro) can make a difference when capturing distant subjects. The Pro Max may provide more versatility if you frequently shoot telephoto images.

Stabilization: Both models benefit from sensor-shift optical image stabilization, which aids in capturing steady shots and videos. However, the larger size and weight of the Pro Max may contribute to even more stable footage, especially when shooting handheld or in motion.

Battery Life: If photography is a significant part of your day, the Pro Max’s extended battery life might be appealing. It ensures you have ample power for extended photo sessions and video recording without worrying about running out of battery.

Form Factor: While the Pro Max’s larger size provides advantages in some scenarios, it can be less convenient to carry and handle for everyday photography. The Pro’s more compact form factor is easier to manage, making it a preferred choice for casual photographers.

Choosing between the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max for photography depends on your specific needs and preferences. Both models excel in mobile photography, offering a comprehensive set of hardware and software features that can elevate your photography game.

If you value a larger, more immersive display and slightly enhanced optical zoom capabilities, the iPhone 13 Pro Max may be your better choice. Its extended battery life also ensures ample power for extended photography sessions and video recording.

On the other hand, if you prioritize a more compact and manageable form factor, the iPhone 13 Pro offers a versatile and capable photography experience. Its size makes it easier to carry and handle for everyday photography and still delivers exceptional image quality.

Ultimately, the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max are superb choices for photography, and you can’t go wrong with either. Your decision should align with your specific photography needs, including portability, display size, zoom capabilities, or extended battery life. Regardless of your choice, you’ll have a powerful tool to capture breathtaking photos and videos, showcasing Apple’s commitment to innovation in mobile photography.

