Unlocking the Power of Night Mode Photography on Your Used iPhone 12: Tips and Techniques

Lauren Fisher
6 min readOct 5, 2023


The iPhone 12 is renowned for its impressive camera capabilities, and one of its standout features is Night mode. Night mode is a game-changer for low-light photography, allowing you to capture stunning images even in the darkest of environments. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Night mode photography on your used iPhone 12 and explore the best ways to make the most of this incredible feature.

Understanding Night Mode

Before we dive into the tips and techniques, it’s essential to understand what Night mode is and how it works on your iPhone 12.

Night mode is a camera feature designed to enhance the quality of photos taken in low-light conditions. It is particularly effective in situations where traditional flash photography may not be ideal, as it aims to capture more natural-looking, well-exposed images without harsh lighting.

The iPhone 12 uses a combination of hardware and software to achieve Night mode photography:

Larger Aperture: The iPhone 12’s camera has a wide aperture, allowing more light to enter the lens, which is crucial for low-light photography.

Optical Image Stabilization (OIS): OIS helps reduce the effects of hand shake or movement, ensuring sharper images even in low light.

Smart HDR: Smart HDR, along with Night mode, captures multiple images at different exposures and combines them to create a well-balanced final photo with improved dynamic range.

Machine Learning Algorithms: The iPhone 12 uses machine learning to analyze the scene and optimize the settings for the best possible low-light shot.

Now that you have a basic understanding of Night mode, let’s explore the best ways to use it effectively:

1. Enable Night Mode Manually

While the iPhone 12’s camera is smart enough to activate Night mode automatically when it detects low-light conditions, you can also take control by enabling it manually. To do this:

Open the Camera app.
Ensure you’re in a low-light environment.
Tap on the Night mode icon (a crescent moon symbol) that appears at the top left of the screen.
Adjust the exposure time by tapping the Night mode icon and sliding the dial up or down. Longer exposure times can capture more light but may require steadier hands or a tripod.
2. Use a Tripod or Stable Surface

Night mode benefits greatly from a stable camera position. While the iPhone 12’s OIS helps reduce camera shake, using a tripod or placing your phone on a stable surface can make a significant difference in the clarity of your Night mode shots.

If you don’t have a tripod, get creative by using everyday objects or surfaces to stabilize your phone. You can also use a timer or a remote shutter release to avoid any movement when taking the shot.

3. Experiment with Exposure Times

Night mode allows you to adjust the exposure time manually. This feature gives you control over the level of light you want to capture and can lead to creative results. Here’s how you can experiment with exposure times:

For well-lit scenes with some low-light elements, a shorter exposure time (around 1–3 seconds) can help maintain the scene’s natural appearance while brightening up dark areas.

In extremely low-light situations, try longer exposure times (up to 30 seconds) to capture more light and details. Keep in mind that holding your phone steady for an extended period can be challenging, so a tripod or stable surface is essential in this scenario.

Play around with different exposure times to find the right balance between brightness and noise in your photos.

4. Use Night Mode for Portraits

While Night mode is often associated with capturing landscapes or cityscapes in low light, it can also be used for stunning low-light portraits. Here’s how to do it:

Position your subject in a well-lit area while keeping the background in low light. This contrast creates an appealing visual effect.

Enable Night mode manually to ensure the camera optimizes the settings for low-light conditions.

Experiment with different angles and poses to capture captivating low-light portraits.

5. Try Different Perspectives

Night mode can be used to create unique and dramatic perspectives, especially in urban settings. Consider the following ideas:

Capture city streets with streaking car lights and illuminated buildings to create a dynamic night scene.

Experiment with reflections in puddles or bodies of water for striking compositions.

Use leading lines and patterns in architecture to guide the viewer’s eye through the frame.

6. Balance Ambient Light and Shadows

One of the key challenges in low-light photography is achieving a balance between ambient light and shadows. Night mode excels at this, but you can further enhance the effect:

Use the iPhone 12’s dual-camera system to your advantage. The Ultra-Wide camera can capture more of the scene, making it easier to balance ambient light.

Experiment with the framing to include interesting foreground objects that are partially lit.

Use editing apps to fine-tune the balance between light and shadow in your Night mode photos.

7. Capture Starry Skies

The iPhone 12’s Night mode can also be used to capture the night sky. While it may not rival dedicated astrophotography equipment, you can still capture beautiful starry skies:

Find a location with minimal light pollution, ideally in a rural area away from city lights.

Use a tripod or stable surface to keep the phone steady.

Enable Night mode and experiment with different exposure times. Longer exposures can reveal more stars, but be mindful of any Earth movement.

Use a third-party app like “NightCap” for more advanced astrophotography features.

8. Reduce Noise in Post-Processing

Even with Night mode, some level of noise (graininess) may still be present in your low-light photos. You can reduce this noise using post-processing apps like Adobe Lightroom, Snapseed, or even the built-in editing tools in the Photos app.

Experiment with noise reduction settings to find the right balance between noise reduction and preserving image details.
9. Experiment with Light Sources

Low-light environments often have various light sources that can add depth and character to your photos. Here are some ideas:

Capture photos with vibrant neon signs or colorful streetlights for an urban night vibe.

Experiment with long exposure shots of moving vehicles’ headlights and taillights to create light trails.

Use natural light sources, such as candles or bonfires, to create warm and cozy night scenes.

10. Shoot in RAW

If you’re an advanced photographer or interested in extensive post-processing, consider shooting in RAW. The iPhone 12 allows you to capture RAW images using third-party camera apps like Halide. Shooting in RAW provides more flexibility in post-production, allowing you to adjust exposure, color balance, and other aspects of your photos with greater precision.

11. Embrace Silhouettes

Night mode can be an excellent tool for creating captivating silhouettes against a night sky or well-lit background. To capture stunning silhouettes:

Position your subject in front of a strong light source, such as the moon or city lights.

Ensure your subject is well-defined and recognizable in silhouette against the bright background.

Experiment with different angles and poses to create interesting and dramatic silhouettes.

12. Explore Light Painting

Light painting is a creative technique that involves using various light sources to “paint” or draw in the air while capturing a long exposure shot. To try light painting with Night mode:

Find a dark environment with minimal ambient light.

Set up your iPhone 12 on a tripod or stable surface.

Enable Night mode with a long exposure time.

Use a flashlight, LED, or any light source to draw patterns or shapes in the frame while the exposure is in progress.

Experiment with different light sources, colors, and movements to create unique light painting effects.

13. Edit and Enhance

After capturing your Night mode photos, don’t hesitate to edit and enhance them further. Apps like Adobe Lightroom, Snapseed, and VSCO provide powerful editing tools that can help you fine-tune exposure, contrast, color balance, and more. Editing can elevate your Night mode shots to a professional level and allow you to express your creative vision fully.

Night mode on your used iPhone 12 opens up a world of possibilities for capturing stunning low-light photos. By understanding the capabilities of your device and applying these tips and techniques, you can take your night photography to new heights. Whether you’re capturing cityscapes, portraits, starry skies, or experimenting with creative effects, Night mode empowers you to tell compelling visual stories in the dark. So, grab your iPhone 12, venture out into the night, and let your creativity shine through your Night mode photography.

