Reasons Why People Are Migrating to Canada

Lizzy Wright
3 min readMay 29, 2017


Over hundreds of thousands are migrating to Canada each year it is increasing every year. That is why many people here in Singapore ask what are good reasons why should they immigrate to Canada, followed by a ‘how to migrate to Canada’ question. To cut it short, here are some reasons why many people actually want to live in Canada:

Free public education — The educational facilities here in Canada offer the best learning experience for students and is highly subsidized by the local government. Canada’s schooling opportunities is ideal for young students. In addition to that, their public schools which expatriate children can enroll to is free due to their mandatory schooling laws to ensure that every Canadian has at least the basic type of education, and it has scored an exceptional high score in the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA). Only secondary schools and public elementary schools are free of charge.

Free Healthcare — Canada has a very competitive and high quality healthcare. The publicly funded healthcare insurance system which is known as Medicare is subsidized by the taxes that the citizens are paying. Though, the coverage of the healthcare insurance would actually vary from province to province, that is why it will not hurt to know what your healthcare card can provide you. Some companies and employers in Canada even provide extended coverage healthcare such as chiropractic sessions to selected chiropractic clinics, dental cares, prescription medication or drugs, physiotherapy, ambulance services and even prescription optician eyeglasses and check ups.

The people and the community — Believe it or not, the people in Canada are probably the most polite people you will ever meet. Bump into them accidentally and they would probably be the one to apologize first and ask if you are okay. The good people of Canada makes the community comfortable to live in. Not only that, Canada is also a free country and the rights and freedoms of the citizens are protected by the Canadian Charter constitution. They do welcome any person of different culture, religion and beliefs in the country.

Availability of various jobs — Many employers and companies in Canada often experience shortage of labor workers that are needed for the business’ productivity. That is why people from different countries choose Canada as the country where they will migrate to. Also, Canada happens to be the second biggest country in the world in terms of the size of the land, while only having a few tens of million of population. They even have an unemployment insurance system that entitles Canadian residents to a percentage of their previously earned salaries in case of being terminated or fired from a job, as long as they have been working for approximately six months in the country.

If you are thinking of migrating to Canada, then it is best for you to know that Canada has a pretty easy migration process compared to other countries which has much more complicated processes and requirements. Not only that, it is even a lot easier for a whole family to migrate to the country.

