Christmas Shopping — Manchester and Cheshire Oaks | Celtic Horizon Tours

Celtic Horizon Tours Marketing
4 min readFeb 16, 2024

Like many yearly traditions, my Christmas celebration always begins with Celtic Horizon’s annual shopping sojourn across the Irish Sea to Manchester and Cheshire’s premier holiday shopping destinations. This whirlwind two-night trip perfectly launches me into full Yuletide mode!

Christmas Shopping — Manchester and Cheshire Oaks | Celtic Horizon Tours

Thirty lively travelers gathered in the predawn darkness, piling aboard our comfortable Celtic Horizon coachWe watched the sun rise over the M7 as we made our pickup stops across Ireland, spirits high in anticipation for the retail therapy ahead. I always look forward to reconnecting with fellow passengers from Christmas tours past.

Christmas Shopping — Manchester and Cheshire Oaks | Celtic Horizon Tours

After border control, we drove aboard the Stena Adventurer ferry while inhaling the salty sea air. We passed the crossing indulging in a full Irish breakfast, swapping shopping strategies, and planning our assault on Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet and Manchester’s fabled Trafford Centre mall. Our ferry docked on England’s shores mid-morning and we disembarked, refreshed, and ready to conquer holiday shopping across the pond.

Christmas Shopping — Manchester and Cheshire Oaks | Celtic Horizon Tours

Nestled in the idyllic rural countryside, the winding lanes of Cheshire Oaks contain over 220 boutiques offering year-round designer bargains. But at Christmastime, the entire outlet glistened even brighter than usual, trimmed with twinkling lights and seasonal greenery. We split off in groups, beelining for our favorite shops — some coveting elegant festive threads while others scoped out lavish decorations and gifts. Laden with our afternoon’s loot, we regrouped on the Celtic Horizon coach — swapping sneak peeks of our purchases and glowing recommendations of Cheshire Oaks’ abundant Yuletide bargains.

Christmas Shopping — Manchester and Cheshire Oaks | Celtic Horizon Tours

As evening descended, we arrived at Bolton’s modern Whites Hotel, conveniently integrated into the region's illustrious soccer stadium. After enjoying the hotel’s hearty seasonal fare over casual banter rehashing the day’s successful retail raiding, I sank into my cushy bed nearly lulled to sleep by visions of discounted designer sugar plums dancing in my head!

Christmas Shopping — Manchester and Cheshire Oaks | Celtic Horizon Tours

Dawn’s first light found our group chomping at the bit as we rolled up to Manchester’s Trafford Centre — the UK’s largest mall housing over 300 retailers alongside a legion of festive decorations blanketing the entire complex. We fanned out, swiftly checking off every name on our gift and wish lists at the impossible-to-beat sale prices. I was particularly mesmerized by Trafford Centre’s lavish holiday adornments, stopping every few stores to admire towering Christmas trees, flickering candlelight displays, and festive choirs filling marble corridors with carols — pure Yuletide magic!

Christmas Shopping — Manchester and Cheshire Oaks | Celtic Horizon Tours

My feet ached (in a wholly satisfying way) as I staggered under the weight of loaded shopping bags back onto our coach that evening. Swapping confirmation of purchases crossed off our lists, we rode in shared contentment after a long but abundantly fruitful day lifting our holiday spirits.

Christmas Shopping — Manchester and Cheshire Oaks | Celtic Horizon Tours

Our last morn dawned and we departed Bolton, making one final pit stop at a Morrisons supermarket in Holyhead for any last-minute food and beverage additions before reboarding the ferry. As Dublin’s twinkling lights appeared on the evening horizon, I smiled at my shopping spoils knowing Celtic Horizon had once again kicked my Christmas preparations off properly — the start of many meaningful celebrations ahead this joyous season. After fond farewells, I dozed contentedly on the homeward journey already dreaming of what new Yuletide treasures I’ll uncover when I embark next year on Celtic Horizon’s beloved annual Christmas retail sojourn!

Christmas Shopping — Manchester and Cheshire Oaks | Celtic Horizon Tours

