best anti cellulite cream

5 min readMar 4, 2019


3 Factors That Speed Up the Appearance of Cellulite

We now live in a world in which the human body gets exposed to different kinds of hazards. From environmental to human-made ones, our bodies have to adapt severally to cope and survive.

With the help of researchers and scientists, many of the health issues have solutions. Most times some of them can be avoided. At other times, you cannot avoid them because of how rampant they are. One of such, which is a skin condition, is cellulite.

The numbers are there to emphasize how rampant this condition is, especially among women. About 85–90% of the world’s female populace has an issue with cellulite. However, the condition is not exclusive to women alone as some males have the condition. You probably know it as stretch marks. It’s the same as cellulite.

Cellulite is the terminology used to describe the surface of the skin (usually dimpled) affected. It occurs because the fat cells tend to press themselves against the connective tissues, causing the surface to be uneven.

While cellulite tends to be more present in some body areas (thighs, butts, abdomen) than the others, more and more people are looking for the best cream for cellulite to cure this skin conditions. However, it’s important to understand the factors that contribute to the appearance of the condition. Below is a list of the factors that facilitate the appearance of cellulite on your skin:

1. Genetic Factors

Yes, that’s right. Cellulite can be inherited. Not necessarily getting it directly from your grandmother or your distant aunt.

Your body can be one that is genetically predisposed to storing fat in specific areas. Since cellulite depends on the action of the fat cells, your kind of body gives it the perfect breeding ground to operate.

2. Your diet

Have you been paying attention to what you have been consuming lately? Are you an addict who can’t stop consuming inflammatory products? These are some of the ways that can speed up the appearance of cellulite on your skin.

These foods will contribute to the fat in your body. Because of how these skin condition forms, these foods are just what the skin condition needs to be more obvious. Before you go out in search of the best product for cellulite, how about a change in diet first?

3. Aging

As we age, the increase or reduction of certain hormones can affect our skin in numerous ways. One key hormone is collagen.

This important protein in the body helps the skin to retain its elasticity. The older we become, the more the level of collagen in our body reduces. With this reduction, the body can quickly stop looking youthful. And this is when cellulite appears.

If you have discovered cellulite on your skin, the best anti cellulite cream you can use is CelluAid. Cellulite treatment cream reviews from users all over the world show that CelluAid is that anti-cellulite cream that solves all your cellulite issues in quick time and without side effects.

Dealing with Cellulite after Pregnancy

Women are known to add weight during pregnancy which could lead to a gain in cellulite. There are several reasons why most women get cellulite when they get pregnant, and they try several ways to get rid of it.

The good thing is that it is possible to remove those cottage cheese-looking dimples off the skin after delivery and we will look into each of them. However, before you make any attempt to purchase any of the anti cellulite products sold in the market, it is essential to know that the causes of cellulite in pregnant women vary.

Let’s take a look at them.

Causes of Cellulite during Pregnancy

1. More Water Retention

While there is an increase in body mass, more water is stored. Which makes the size of the fat cells present in the body increase. This increment in size causes the cellulite present in the body to be more visible. What most women don’t know is that the development of cellulite is as a result of more fluid retention and it might not even appear until after the sixth month!

2. Legs Increase in Weight

Pregnancy makes the legs add a little more weight; the primary reason is to give them balance since the upper region of the abdomen also experiences an increase in weight. With an increase in weight in the legs, we would already know that cellulite would be found there.

3. Hormonal Level Increment

Estrogen, the most active female hormone, would undoubtedly increase its activity during pregnancy especially around the hips and thigh regions. In this case, estrogen forms cellulite by breaking down collagen fibers which make the fat cells break off and cluster together just below the skin’s surface.

Getting Rid of Cellulite after Pregnancy

This is where most of the work is because getting rid of cellulite from pregnancy would take some time. Usually, we expect it to disappear after pregnancy, but most of the times, cellulite stays underneath the skin.

Here are a few ways that women get rid of cellulite:

1. Exercise

The purpose of exercising is building muscle to make the fat around those tender areas disappear. Exercises like squats and donkey kicks should be enough to work on the legs at first. During muscle building, cardio exercises like walking and running can be added later. Gradually, the fat cells would disappear.

2. Diet

A woman’s diet is critical when trying to get rid of fat and cellulite. When dieting, vegetables and fruits are highly needed, as well as, lean meats like turkey. Saturated fats should be avoided while more water should be consumed.

3. Anti-Cellulite Creams

Getting a cream for cellulite isn’t a big deal, but the problem is usually, getting the best anti-cellulite cream. Typically, a good anti-cellulite cream should contain natural ingredients which do not have any side effects when it is applied.

The question is which top anti-cellulite cream would be good for women who are trying to get rid of cellulite caused by pregnancy?

CelluAid is an anti-cellulite cream that any woman can use to get of cellulite, no matter how stubborn it is. It contains natural ingredients like quinoa, a seed extract that breaks down fat cells and prevents the storage of more fat cells.

