I work with passion…and so should you!

Christoph C. Cemper
2 min readNov 23, 2017


One of my company’s most important core values is “work with passion”

Let me tell you that I’m so happy, so proud about my team, because I can tell you that each of them and me as well, work with passion on the things that they are working on.

I don’t mind if it is passion for graphics or design for working with clients, for working in numbers, for software development.

I try to hire and keep people that have a passion for something. Because I am just like them.

Having a passion for what you are doing, is a guarantee for better results, is guarantee for joy, and I only get up in the morning because I enjoy my work, I love what I’m doing.

If you’re not passionate about your job, fix that!

I love what we are doing and this is what passion is about.

If you are not passionate about your business, if you are not passionate about your job, then fix that. Just change jobs, change your lives.

You can go, you know, on some trip to go off for six months and find yourself. Do whatever you think you need.

But, be aware that if you are not passionate about what you are doing.

It’s gonna kill you, sooner or later. There’s no time to lose.

Work with passion!

If you’re passionate about what you do, if you love to work hard and be part of a great team, and learn from the best in the industry,

send us your job application http://lrt.li/workwithpassion2

I would love to meet you.

Thank you.

With love and respect,

Christoph C. Cemper



Christoph C. Cemper

Online Marketing Enthusiast, CEO of LinkResearchTools doing links and SEO since 2003