Why Taking Ownership Is One of the Secrets Behind Our Success

Christoph C. Cemper
2 min readApr 18, 2018


One of our company core values is:

Take ownership.

What does take ownership mean? What’s ownership in the first place?

What does it mean to take ownership?

OK, I own the company, I own all the tasks.

So, in the end I am responsible for everything.

Of course- because it’s my company.

But when we talk about ownership, we talk about the person who is able to make sure that things happen.

Ownership is all about taking responsibility for a result

Someone who is working on a blog post, it could be a graphic designer.

It could be someone who is shooting a video with me.

It could be another person who is actually writing the text.

Or, it could be yet another person who is preparing some tweets or some social images.

Someone has to hold all these things together.

The one person, and it’s always just one.

There is always one owner for every result.

That one person, who is being held accountable in the end, is the owner.

That’s what ownership is.

Taking ownership is part of our company culture

And we actively encourage our team members to take ownership.

For their responsibilities, for parts of the system, for parts in the product.

Because otherwise, I would more or less still be sitting here doing everything myself.

So that is what this core value is about.

Want more?

Want to learn more about getting results in your life and work?

Check out my new book, “Spaghetti Code: Detangling Life and Work with Programmer Wisdom”: http://cemper.co/howtotakeownership

Originally published at Christoph C. Cemper.



Christoph C. Cemper

Online Marketing Enthusiast, CEO of LinkResearchTools doing links and SEO since 2003