Do You Dare to Emigrate?

You will be surprised to know my own story

Paola Cendali
3 min readMar 19, 2024

Have you ever thought about emigrating?

What a complex and simple question at the same time!

This tarnished paradox had confused me for months.

Dreams and expectatives, illusions and hopes, nerves and anxiety. Backs and forths.

Do you know how many blogs and social media experiences I have read?

Hundreds of debates to see if the decision was the correct one.

Extended conversations developed among friends and family members until the final verdict was issued.

The destiny was clear.

Yes, I have made the decision to emigrate.

All of the sudden I started to pack my pieces of life in a piece of luggage to unpack it suddenly in a stranger place. Facing the unknown feeling that I was totally naked.

Overnight, I became a newborn baby who needed to start from scratch.

I began the difficult task of finding a place to live and a job to support the situation. But, my history and background had no use. Nobody knew me, nobody cared about me. No matter my past life and experience.

All of that was irrelevant.

It didn’t count at all.

No friends nearby to hug me and just share these new emotions.

Endless nights without sleeping. Starting the day early in the morning to find myself empty at night.

It was a long uphill battle that lasted six months.

Photo by Fikry Pradana from Pexel

I began to ask myself if I had made the right decision.

Well… it was too late to think about that.

I needed to take action and face the unexpected new world in front of me.

However, that question kept spinning around in my head constantly.

Was it the right decision?

Emigration is a complicated word that involves a huge amount of feelings to trace it and at the same time it is quite simple for me to explain.

Loneliness, abandonment, estrangement, sadness, gloom, failure, loss of identity.

Yes, a long list of unpleasant words which may continue.

Anyway, I will stop the description to conclude that yes, it was the right decision because I could discover my true inner self.

I truly discovered what I wanted for my life.

I was able to reach the deepest part of myself, and only then could I begin to climb.

And from that moment on, the reconstruction of myself started to happen.

Once and for all, the destiny was even more clear.

Returning home.

At last, I gathered all my broken pieces of myself and started my journey back. I began piecing together the puzzle within myself.

Today, the reasons are crystal clear.

Even though the decision to emigrate had been the correct one, it is at home where I feel accompanied and glad. It is at home where I really feel delighted and comfortable. It is here where my identity remains intact and where I find myself whole again. It is in this place where I am able to feel the sense of belonging.

It is definitely here where I feel at home!

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexel

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Paola Cendali

I love building bridges to enable communication, as a translator, interpreter, copywriter and ESL teacher. CC.Trusted Translations co-founder/based in Argentina