How Shopping in the Past was different from Today’s day and age

2 min readFeb 13, 2019


Shopping in the past has an essence of its own. Those corner sweet shops, old fashioned bakeries, milk from a local milk man and pretty dresses from the local mall. Just thinking about these things makes us want to go back to those simpler days. This is a small article that tells you everything about how shopping in the past was different from today’s day and age. Sit back, read and feel nostalgic.

Personalisation: There were no apps or data collection methods to personalise products for different customers. It was a just a simple customer connect that helped the vendors personalise things for their customers. As they customers would be completely loyal to the store, it was easier for the vendors to capture a pattern and understand what they had to offer to a particular customer. This would in turn strengthen personalisation and customer loyalty.

Old-Fashion Customer Service: You might ask how did they manage to personalise without technology? It is their charm, good old-fashion customer service where “everyone knows your name”. Imagine yourself as a consumer. When was the last time that someone greeted you by your name as you entered a store? In the past, they did. It make consumers feel important and special.

Relatable and Entertaining Ads: If you ever watch a programme about the 50’s or 60’s you realise how much the art of advertising has changed and how the art of selling through advertising has changed, this applies to TV advertising, Movie Advertising, Newspapers and Magazines. Ads were mostly through traditional modes of advertising. They could just release the ad and hope that it will reach the audience unlike these days where the ads are targeted to the consumers through social media platforms.

Best Deal Finder — MOM: Giving away coupons and deals were not a thing in the past. The best person that you could take along was your mom. They somehow had the knack to bargain and get everything at the best price. And I think, it applies even today. Do you agree?

These were some of the points that made shopping in the past a little more joyful and special. What else would you think made it better?




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