Centro Investigación SRO
1 min readSep 11, 2015

The Scientific Reason Why Bullets Are Bad for Presentations

You’ve probably heard this advice before: Don’t use bullet points in your presentations. But do you know why presentation design experts are so adamantly opposed to the bullet point format?

Here’s the simple, but perhaps surprising, explanation to why bullet points are bad for presentations: Bullet points make information more difficult to remember, especially when the bullet point lists are accompanied with auditory information. This is not a conjecture; it is backed by credible research.

Want to read more, check it out at: https://blog.slideshare.net/2015/08/31/the-scientific-reason-why-bullets-are-bad-for-presentations/?utm_source=slideshare&utm_medium=ssemail&utm_campaign=newsletter

Centro Investigación SRO

El Centro Local de Investigación y Formación de San Rafael de Onoto nace con la finalidad de promover la investigación y la formación en los docentes del MPPE.