Nepali Herbal products: Medicinal Plants in Nepal

2 min readSep 16, 2022


Did you ever use Nepali herbal remedies to cure any discomfort in your body? If you have ever used these herbal products, you are undoubtedly aware of the wonders these products can do to your body.

Nepal is a prosperous country for rare and unique plants and herbs. The government is considered a treasure trove when it comes to resourceful medicinal herbs.

Medicinal herbs with healing properties are found in Nepal.

Tons of Nepali herbs and herbal products are annually exported to different continents in the world. However, a significantly less mass of the population in Nepal is aware of these benefits and uses them in their daily lives.

It could be the lack of research or an established chain of people and resources because these beautiful herbs and products cannot reach out to people.

Keep reading the article to learn more about the medicinal herbs found in Nepal and what these herbs can do to your body’s healing.

Nepali Herbal Products

One can find a range of Nepali herbal products with medicinal benefits and healing properties. The benefits, however, entirely depend on the usage of these products. If you use these products consciously, they can do wonders for the body.

Some of these herbal products are:

  • Herbal tea– These teas are made from naturally occurring medicinal herbs like basil, mint, chamomile, and hibiscus flowers. Consuming such herbal tea helps with various health problems, and it enhances metabolism as well.

Liquid extracts from herbs found in Nepal.

  1. Liquid extracts- There are a range of liquid extracts from different exotic plants that are produced in Nepal
  2. Essential oils- Such oils are one of effective herbal products manufactured in Nepal and exported outside. These essential oils are used in therapies and cosmetic products as well.
  3. Salts- Nepal’s Himalayan pink salt and crystal salts are other significant products.

Wonders of Herbal Products in Healing

Nepali herbal products have a range of healing properties. These are often used to cure insomnia problems, to cure depression, indigestion, and other similar health problems. Nepali herbal products are very beneficial in imparting physical and mental healing.

Some of the beautiful healing properties of Nepali herbal products are listed below:

1. They are very good sleep inducers.

Getting a peaceful sleep is a challenging job for most people these days. People are so engulfed in their work that they have no time to care for a sound sleep.

Thus, even when people try to rest their minds, they are unable to take rest. Hence, Nepali herbal teas and aromatic therapy using essential oils are convenient for inducing sleep.

People often use aroma therapy using essential oils extracted from medicinal herbs to induce sleep and heal people.

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