What is an Instagram Shoutout and how it helps to grow in business?

Dr. Vivek Bindra
3 min readNov 21, 2023


In today’s social media era, influencer marketing has become a significant part of the business world. Instagram, a major platform for influencer marketing, witnesses influencers charging more fees for promotions. One method of Instagram promotion is through ‘Instagram Shoutouts.’ Let’s understand what they are, how they are done, and the different types.

What are Instagram Shoutouts?

Whenever someone talks about another Instagram page within their circle or socially, it is called an Instagram Shoutout. Brands often engage celebrities or social media creators for shoutout promotions. Hence, it plays a crucial role in business marketing.

There are various types of Instagram Shoutouts, so let’s break them down.

Paid Shoutout:

In a paid shoutout, a brand pays an influencer either in cash or gifts in exchange for a shoutout. This means that either the influencer promotes the brand based on a predetermined amount or through a barter deal, where the brand provides products in exchange for promotion.

Shoutout For Shoutout:

In this type, one Instagram page gives a shoutout to another. For example, if a brand’s influencer gives a shoutout on their page, the brand’s page reciprocates the favour by giving a shoutout on their Instagram account. This helps both audiences discover each other.

Voluntary Shoutout:

In this case, a brand sends its products to an influencer, and if the influencer genuinely likes the products, they may voluntarily give a shoutout without any payment. This type of shoutout can have a significant impact, but the product must genuinely impress the influencer.

How are Shoutouts done?

Any influencer can give a shoutout by sharing a photo of your product on their Instagram page, along with a caption describing their personal experience. Such shoutouts are highly effective in reaching a wider audience and boosting brand sales.

The value of Instagram Shoutouts in Instagram Stories is particularly high in the market today because they create strong engagement with the audience. Therefore, shoutouts are commonly seen in Instagram Stories.

Paid Shoutouts, Shoutouts for Shoutouts, and Voluntary Shoutouts are the three main types of Instagram Shoutouts, each serving a different purpose in influencer marketing.

To execute a shoutout, an influencer can share a photo of your product on their Instagram, accompanied by a caption expressing their personal experience. These shoutouts are especially impactful as they resonate well with the influencer’s audience.

The use of Instagram Stories for shoutouts has gained significant popularity, offering a dynamic and engaging way to connect with the audience. This method allows for direct interaction and immediate visibility.

In conclusion, Instagram Shoutouts have become an integral part of influencer marketing on social media, offering various approaches for brands to promote their products. Whether through paid collaborations, reciprocal shoutouts, or voluntary endorsements, influencers play a pivotal role in enhancing a brand’s visibility and credibility.

Understanding the dynamics of Instagram Shoutouts empowers businesses to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing effectively. So, take advantage of this marketing strategy to promote your brand and connect with a broader audience in the dynamic world of Instagram.”



Dr. Vivek Bindra

CEO and Founder of Bada Business Pvt. Ltd. Author, Motivational Speaker, International Corporate Trainer | Business Coach