Cephas Samuel
3 min readApr 9, 2023
Fear is a product of the devil


Uncertainity is the doubt we hold about a particular situation which is as a result of the random fears harbour in our mind about an aspect of life.

Sometimes we find ourselves feeling so uncertain about a situation that we dare not bring up such topic anymore,

Fears stir up the emotions of uncertainity which lead to inactiveness and indecisions.

Fear of losing, failing, being mock at, looking stupid…

Some people think, when they are at the extreme of determination, they’ll let go of that feelings but how can one really make a decision without clear reasons or objectives? How can one even dare make a bold decision and follow it when his entire mind is cloud and paralysed with fears,

Look! Any emotion, I mean any of them have the ability to becloud the mind from objectives reasoning including the emotion love.

Fears keeps you on a constant static motions, its keeps you active only on your current state of acheivements, you can never move an inch with its influence.

Any mind that the influence of fears is within will not even remember seeking remedies because all that will ring in his mind is “I just have to let this slip” “I dont think I can do this, maybe it will be better asking John for another possible idea”.

But that real question should be, what do I want and how can I chisel out this shit, but remember that you can only ask ‘how' when you know exactly ‘what' you want.

If you already know what you want from life then this tips will be just for you

  • First steady your mind in the best possible way you can, find peace within and without, this' very important.
  • After attaining a calm and steady mind state, try to focus on the situation objectively, analyse it, now you will see more advantages going for the deal,

Remember, as you go for the deal with all possibilities, failure is inevitable but you will succeed if only you let it be your best instructor/guidance. No man of great success ever succeed in his chosen field without seeing failure as an advantage. What is defeat? Nothing but education, nothing but the first step to something better.

  • Make valid plans and focus less on the results, either a negative or positive, of course its not important, the most important thing is focusing on the process, because it will give you an edge of whether the plans at hand fits the process or not.

The outcome of situations is what tug our mind with those overwhelming fears, the results of an event doesn’t matter when rising but the process does.

So many people withdraw out from awesome projects because of the results they are not so sure about, certainity of an event can only be acheive through faith and perservance.

Remember faith know not such word as impossible and recognize not such reality as failure, those are Hill’s words not mine

Cephas Samuel

Never leave any unfinish thoughts in your mind, its makes you hang half way from hunting the truth and soon it will become a habit.