110+ Ideas and Instructions on How to Make Your Own on YouTube

Cereantu Andrei
10 min readSep 2, 2022

You’ve just had the ideal YouTube moment, and you’ve even begun organizing your content. The sole issue? You still need to come up with the ideal YouTube channel name.

You may wish to start a YouTube channel to support your professional development, whether you’re launching a new brand or building a website. Choosing a channel name might be difficult. We’ve put up a list of name suggestions, advice, and strategies to assist you get beyond this obstacle so you can start your channel off on the right foot.

Looking for a unique name straight away? Start by using the YouTube name generator on Wix to come up with original concepts.

What is the significance of a YouTube channel name?

Many businesses neglect the highly engaging tool that is YouTube in favor of developing a social media marketing strategy using sites like Facebook and Instagram. But given that you’re reading this, you already know that creating a YouTube channel is an original and successful approach to interact with viewers and expand your audience — particularly if you have a talent for producing engaging videos.

Like a TV channel or radio station, a YouTube channel has a formal name. On your videos, your channel page, and in YouTube search results will all be branded with your YouTube channel name.

Use your personal brand name for this headline if you are a person setting up a YouTube channel. If you’re a company, selecting the appropriate name is crucial to creating a successful YouTube marketing plan. Your company’s brand vision and your name must be compatible.

In light of this, there are a variety of channel names to consider, including those that are creative and play on words, the name of a company, a person’s first and last name, descriptive names that highlight a specific subject, and names that highlight a particular issue. Whatever name you decide on, make sure it appropriately conveys your brand and aids viewers in understanding the information on your channel.

  • Ideas for YouTube channel names
  • Use these name suggestions as a starting point for your own thinking.
  • Names of creative YouTube channels
  • Channel Talking
  • Strange & Wacky
  • Journeys of [Name]
  • I Did It Again in Hoops
  • Never Peer
  • The Math Grapes
  • Worst nightmare of yours
  • Hell on His Feet
  • Miracle Makers
  • Cones Game
  • Creative titles for YouTube channels:
  • Beachy Bird
  • Unauthorized Food
  • Ball Night Up
  • Chief Fun
  • Club Gen Z
  • EpicPlayz
  • DameWhoGames
  • The Selected Ones
  • Juicy Jamba
  • Maintain Your Twin Up
  • Cool names for YouTube channels:
  • Stealing from pirates
  • Making Noise
  • Rioting gladiators
  • Brief Circuit
  • Baron the skater
  • Master Flossy
  • Chillwire
  • Swanky swag
  • As a Boss
  • Vivacious limitless
  • Names of DIY YouTube channels
  • Ingenious Trove
  • Alert Art
  • DIY, man
  • Unique Bazaar
  • Innovative Ark
  • DIY designer
  • Craftsform
  • Arttastic
  • Present-day handmade
  • Artisan mosaic
  • Names of tech YouTube channels:
  • Techno Arc
  • Techly
  • SkyTech
  • Texcellence
  • AccelerateTech
  • Techdo
  • LinkTech
  • Safe Technology
  • Technical Relation
  • Techist
  • Names of business YouTube channels:
  • Thriving business
  • Business Fighter
  • Businessly
  • My Company
  • Business Specialists
  • Enterprise Metrics
  • Commercial Council
  • Enterprise Disruptor
  • Enterprise Central
  • Promoting the titles of YouTube channels
  • Advertising Shack
  • Marketing History
  • Marketing Roadmap
  • Upcoming marketing
  • Advertising Quest
  • Advertising and Co.
  • Advertising Days
  • Marketing Swindle
  • Advertising Atlas
  • Advertising Rank
  • Food-related YouTube channels:
  • Healthy Meals
  • Bright Food
  • Food News
  • Foodist
  • Food Resources
  • Innovative Food
  • Western Food
  • Food Fighter
  • Foodadora
  • Modern Cuisine
  • Travel-related YouTube channels:
  • Tasty and Travel
  • Experts in Travel
  • Atlantis Vacations
  • Enchanted Journey
  • Cheap Adrenaline
  • Journey Days
  • Visit Tiger
  • Journey Splash
  • SimplyTravel
  • Journey and More
  • Names of lifestyle YouTube channels:
  • Dawn Lifestyle
  • Living Coaching
  • Fashion Soul
  • Living In Color
  • Creatively Individual
  • Living Room Library
  • Lifestyle Benefit
  • Lifestyle of a Real Mom
  • Family Paleo Lifestyle
  • Bear Lifestyle
  • Names of fashion YouTube channels:
  • Exotic Dress
  • Cutesy Apparel
  • Progression in Style
  • I love fashion
  • Comfortable Clothes
  • Clothing Registry
  • Bahamian hippie
  • Beachy Happy Ever After
  • Modern-day urban
  • The Hangout at Thrift
  • Names of YouTube channels
  • These actual YouTube channel names can provide as ideas. Consider what makes each item on this list catchy, inventive, and compelling as you read through it. Do they spell words in original ways? Alliteration or wordplay? Or do you prefer their straightforward, illuminating styling? The following titles include many qualities of a good YouTube channel name:

01. PewDiePie

PewDiePie, a pseudonym for Swedish YouTuber Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, has made money off of his channel and has grown to be one of the most well-known users of the site. His stage name is unique, witty, and catchy — a great formula for one of the most watched YouTube channels in the last ten years. The popular gamer and comedian Kjellberg pointed out that pew stands for the sound of lasers and die alludes to losing a game. Why then did he add “pie”? He does it because he likes pie, reports claim! The channel name is not only funny and approachable, but it also rhymes.

snapshot of the Pewdie Pie channel and page on YouTube

02. Awesome Meal Time

A Canadian YouTube series called Epic Meal Time is well-known for its fatty, meaty meals. As the channel name implies, the videos celebrate excess, including the biggest lasagna in the world and a 20-pound sushi roll for a meat eater. The name, which is both direct and humorous, makes it clear to viewers that they can anticipate specific information and that the videos will differ from traditional culinary shows. Who would want to miss anything epic, given the compelling use of the word epic in the content?

screenshot of the name and page of the YouTube channel “Epic Meal Time”

03. Quick Crafts

Fun DIY ideas are all over 5-Minute Crafts’ YouTube channel. This catchy and unambiguous YouTube channel name is proof that a simple title doesn’t necessarily imply a dry one. This catchy name promises quick, simple tasks that everyone can complete.

screenshot of the channel name and home page for 5 Minute Crafts on YouTube

04. Screen addicts

The YouTube channel Screen Junkies delivers original programming, intellectual analysis, parody, and other unique views on movies and television. The channel’s content is made evident by its memorable, informal, and entertaining moniker. Their target viewers and creators — a group that identifies as “screen junkies” — are also drawn to the sympathetic title.

screenshot of the channel name and home page for Screen Junkies on YouTube

05. John Brownlee

After gaining more than 15 million subscribers, YouTube creator Marques Brownlee changed the name of his channel from MKBHD to his first and last name. His previous moniker is as noteworthy because it is a combination of his initials (Marques Keith Brownlee) and the abbreviation HD (high definition video). Concatenated titles and complete names are both excellent options for YouTube channel names.

Marques Brownlee’s site and YouTube channel names

12 suggestions for naming your YouTube channel effectively

  • Use a YouTube name generator to get started
  • Select a category for your channel.
  • Specify your subject.
  • Model names using
  • Try out some wordplay
  • Make it distinct.
  • Short and uncomplicated is best.
  • Think about translating globally
  • Skip the numbers
  • Don’t overlook capitalization
  • Verify accessibility
  • Prepare to expand

01. Use a YouTube name generator to get started

Visit our YouTube channel name generator as the first step in choosing a name for your channel. The generator will provide imaginative YouTube channel names as well as assist you in finding intriguing adjectives, suffixes, and other foundational elements.

Start by entering a single word that is closely related to the concept of your channel in the name generator. Then, whether you’re a photographer, a horse trainer, or a thrift store, you can focus your search by putting in your particular industry or field. The outcome? Inventive, catchy name combinations that you can use right away or as a starting point.

02. Select a category for your channel.

Remember to pick a broad name category while you experiment with the YouTube channel name generator.

The top five categories for YouTube channel names are as follows:

Name: As in the last example, this includes channel names like Marie Kondo or Marques Brownlee.

Brand: These frequently feature trade names and firm names, such as Nintendo and Vanity Fair.

Category: Names like 5-Minute Crafts and Top Hits Music specify the genre or focus of your channel.

Adjectives and other descriptive words, such Tasty and Epic Meal Time, are used in these titles.

Creative names include Pewdiepie and Cocomelon, which are based on wordplay or absurd word combinations.

Thinking categorically can guide you in the direction of the name you want, whether you decide to continue with the name generator or come up with it yourself.

03. Specify your subject.

Even the most absurd titles ought to convey the channel’s substance. Having said that, your channel name shouldn’t be uninteresting or unoriginal. You should balance being innovative with being descriptive in your writing.

When thinking about YouTube video ideas to include in your channel, make a list of the first terms that come to mind. These may state or only allude to the subject of your channel. For instance, a channel on indoor plants could use phrases like “greenery,” “jungle,” or “oasis” instead of the word “plants.”

Next, use adjectives in a comparable manner. Which phrases best sum up the tone of your channel? The slang term “epic” is frequently used to describe content that is especially remarkable or larger-than-life.

Additionally, think about the meanings of these phrases and the feelings you wish to arouse. The term epic has a much stronger visual impact than stunning. It is informal and enjoyable, which intrigues the spectator, heightens their expectation, and encourages them to click. Consider alternative alternatives for the words on your list while you brainstorm to broaden your selections.

Keep your list of terms handy once you’ve finished brainstorming since they might assist you identify crucial keywords. Once you’ve mastered the YouTube upload process, you can utilize these words in the titles and descriptions of your videos. This is crucial for increasing your YouTube SEO.

04. Model names using

You may also discover patterns in the names of current channels that you like. Consider the characteristics of these names that make them distinctive. These could be

  • Combining two words
  • A pun
  • Alliteration
  • Concatenation
  • A suffix or ending like -ly or & Co.
  • The animal’s name
  • First or last name inclusion
  • A distinct spelling

You can learn more about the types of names that appeal to you most by observing patterns. When naming your own YouTube channel, follow these rules.

05. Try out some wordplay

Wordplay is always a good choice for a catchy YouTube channel name. Consider the literary strategies you could employ, such as a memorable rhyme, a catchy alliterative phrase, or a witty pun. This pun maker might help you get started if you need a creative boost.

06. Make it distinct.

Your YouTube channel name won’t draw viewers in if it is generic or ambiguous. You must give your content a distinctive, individual spin in order to make it appealing and clickable.

Do you want to include one of your nicknames? What about a favorite quality, interest, pet, or inside joke? Try naturally incorporating these components into your suggestions for channel names. Even if you shouldn’t employ them at the price of clarity or relevancy, pairing them with more evocative language might help you come up with a unique name.

07. Short and uncomplicated is best.

Because viewers are prone to forgetting longer names, keeping the name of your YouTube channel concise is an important part of having a successful channel. Despite the fact that YouTube names can have up to 60 characters, it is simply too many for them to be memorable. Ideally, you ought to aim for no more than two or three words.

Similarly, you don’t want to oversimplify how you spell your name because this will make it difficult for others to pronounce and make it more difficult to find your channel in searches. There are exceptions; the spelling of the name Marshmello, for instance, makes it memorable. You may experiment with the spelling, but try to keep it straightforward and uncomplicated (Marshmelleau, for instance, would be too much of an eyeful).

Example of a YouTube channel name by Emily Fox

08. Think about translating globally

Make sure your channel name doesn’t contain any offensive or inappropriate phrases because YouTube users are located all over the world (for a playful example, look at Wix’s street interview in Germany). Make sure the name you chose won’t offend anyone on the other side of the world by doing some quick research.

09. Skip the numbers

You might be tempted to just add a few numbers to the end and call it a day if the name you want is already taken. This, however, is a poor technique because it detracts from the recognition of your own brand and presents an amateurish image. Instead, continue your brainstorming and try to think of synonyms to come up with a distinctive YouTube channel name.

10. Don’t overlook capitalization

The proper use of title capitalization immediately increases the professionalism and eye appeal of your channel. Think about the distinction between the channel titles creative kitchen and creative kitchen, or between spiderman and spiderman. Which selection would be more noticeable if you were watching YouTube?

Combining words is another situation in which capitalization works well. Consider the distinctions between Tech Growth, TechGrowth, and TechGrowth. The latter appears more snappy and clickable.

11. Verify accessibility

Naturally, you don’t want to unintentionally use an already-used YouTube channel name. To find out if a channel is already using your preferred name, perform a simple Google search. This will also help you identify names that are too close but not identical. Let’s take the example of choosing the channel name The Vegan Diet. Even if it were, Vegan Diet might already be out there; in that case, it would be too similar to make yours stand out.

Additionally, see if your selected name is used by any current brands, websites, or social media platforms. This will be especially helpful if you branch out from YouTube.

12. Prepare to expand

While you should avoid using the word “vague” in your YouTube name, don’t be restricted. If your name is too narrowly focused on one subject, it could be difficult for you to later diversify the types of content you offer.

By avoiding a genre-specific channel name, you offer your channel opportunity to grow. For instance, if you prefer reviewing comedies, choose an all-encompassing moniker like “Epic Film Reviews.”

Expect your YouTube channel to gain more subscribers if you put in the effort to become a successful YouTuber. Think about how your material might change in the future to make your channel scalable when choosing a name.

Change your YouTube name here

Do you dislike the name of your current channel? Or perhaps you came up with a better idea? Your YouTube name may be changed rather easily. Google states that you must:

  • Log in to Google’s creator dashboard, YouTube Studio.
  • Choose “Customization” from the menu in the left margin.
  • Under the horizontal menu bar that displays, click “Basic info.
  • The pencil icon will open the edit options.
  • In the “Name” column, type the name of your new preferred channel.
  • On the right side of the horizontal menu bar, select “Publish.”
  • The new name will be displayed across the platform automatically, but YouTube warns that it “may take a few days” to go into effect.

