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The Shocking Reason Why Your Programming Skills Aren’t Improving

Vinicius Cardoso


You’ve been at it for months, pouring hours into coding projects, practicing algorithms, debugging and examining your code to spot the mistakes. But despite your best efforts, you can’t seem to break through to the next level of programming expertise.

Instead, you struggle with the same issues repeatedly. What’s holding you back? Is it due to a lack of innate talent, or is there a more concrete explanation for your plateau? The answer may lie in the way you approach honing your skills and how you seek to improve your coding abilities.

In this article, we will explore some of the most common pitfalls that hold back even the most dedicated programmers, and offer strategies for reviving your progress towards improving coding skills.

Reasons for stagnant programming skills may vary from person to person, but one study found a shocking common factor: lack of sleep. Yes, that’s right, sleep deprivation could be the culprit behind your stagnant skills.

In the tech industry where the hustle and grind culture is prevalent, sacrificing sleep for more coding hours may seem like the norm. However, science tells us that skimping on sleep can have detrimental effects not only on our physical health but also on our cognitive abilities.



Vinicius Cardoso

BSc. Computer Engineer, MSc. Student in Software Engineering