Data Scientists’ Career Roadmap in the AI Ecosystem

Çağla Öztürk
12 min readAug 26, 2024



I’ve created two Data Scientist roadmaps based on the most frequently asked questions I receive. The first one is more entry-level, aimed at those who are just starting out. The second roadmap is a comprehensive guide, detailing the technical competencies expected from a data scientist within the AI ecosystem.

For those new to the field, there’s an entry-level roadmap for aspiring data scientists: you can access it via this link:

Of course, acquiring all the skills listed here is a long-term process. Especially with the rise of AI-related work, the industry now expects professionals to have touched upon a few of these steps.

Here is the comprehensive roadmap:


Statistics and Probability:

  • Detailed Probability Concepts:
    — Conditional Probability and Bayes’ Theorem:
    Using Bayes’ theorem with real-world application examples.
    Probability Distributions: In-depth study of continuous (Normal, Exponential) and discrete (Binomial, Poisson) distributions.
    Monte Carlo Simulations: Simulating complex systems and modeling stochastic processes.
  • Statistical Tests and Power Analysis:
    — Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests:
    T-test, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test.
    Power Analysis: Conducting power analysis to determine sample size.
    Bootstrapping and Permutation Tests: Resampling methods on data.


  • Matrices and Vectors:
    — Matrix Factorizations:
    SVD, LU Decomposition, QR Decomposition.
    Eigenvalue Problems: Use of eigenvalues in dimensionality reduction methods such as PCA and LDA.
  • Integral and Differential Calculus:
    — Multivariate Calculus:
    Partial derivatives, chain rule, Jacobian and Hessian matrices.
    Gradient Descent: Derivative and gradient concepts as the foundation of optimization algorithms.

Programming Languages and Libraries:

  • Data Science with Python:
    — Data Manipulation and Visualization:
    Advanced data manipulation with pandas, visualization with matplotlib and seaborn.
    Scientific Computing: High-performance computations with numpy and scipy.

R Programming:

  • Data Analysis in R: Data cleaning with dplyr, tidyr, and visualization with ggplot2.
  • Statistical Modeling: Modeling with libraries like caret, glmnet, randomForest.


  • “The Elements of Statistical Learning” by Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman.
  • “Introduction to Probability” by Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis.
  • “All of Statistics” by Larry Wasserman.
  • “Python for Data Analysis” by Wes McKinney.


  • Coursera: “Statistics with R” by Duke University.
  • Khan Academy: “Probability and Statistics” (Basic and advanced topics).
  • Udemy: “Mathematics for Data Science” by Kirill Eremenko.

2. Data Manipulation, Exploration, and Insight Extraction

Data Quality and Cleaning:

  • Data Quality Control: Metrics for assessing data quality (completeness, consistency, accuracy, timeliness).
  • Data Cleaning Techniques:
    — Handling Missing Data:
    Simple imputation, multiple imputation, interpolation techniques.
    Outlier Analysis: Using robust scaler, IQR-based outlier cleaning, z-score based anomaly detection.
    Time Series Cleaning: Removing seasonal effects and trend analysis in time series data.

Data Visualization Techniques:

  • Advanced Graphs:
    — Heatmaps, Pairplots, Violin Plots:
    Visualizing complex datasets using Seaborn.
    Interactive Visualization: Creating interactive graphs using Plotly and Bokeh.
  • Dashboard Development:
    — Tableau and Power BI:
    Data visualization and interactive dashboard creation.
    Jupyter Notebook and Streamlit: Rapid prototyping and interactive report creation using Python.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):

  • Techniques for Data Exploration:
    — Pandas Profiling and Sweetviz:
    Creating automatic EDA reports.
    Correlation Matrix: Visually examining the relationship between variables in datasets.
  • Correlation and Causality:
    — Granger Causality Test:
    Analyzing causal relationships in time series.
    Partial Correlation: Correlation analysis controlling for the effect of third variables.

Insight Extraction:

  • Advanced Analysis Techniques:
    — Segmentation Analysis:
    Customer segmentation using algorithms like K-Means, DBSCAN.
    Time Series Analysis: Forecasting with models like ARIMA, SARIMA, Prophet.
    A/B Testing: Designing targeted experiments to optimize business decisions.


  • “Python Data Science Handbook” by Jake VanderPlas.
  • “Storytelling with Data” by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic.
  • “Data Science for Business” by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett.
  • “Interactive Data Visualization for the Web” by Scott Murray.


  • Coursera: “Data Visualization with Python” by IBM.
  • Udemy: “Python for Data Analysis and Visualization” by Jose Portilla.
  • DataCamp: “Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh”.
  • LinkedIn Learning: “Tableau Essential Training”.

3. Machine Learning

Fundamentals of Machine Learning:

  • Types of Algorithms: Supervised, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning, reinforcement learning.
  • Model Evaluation:
    — Performance Metrics:
    Accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, ROC-AUC, PR curves.
    Model Reliability: Calibration curves, measuring model uncertainty.
    Model Robustness: Adversarial testing, out-of-sample performance evaluation.
  • Model Complexity and Regularization:
    — Regularization Techniques:
    Lasso (L1), Ridge (L2), ElasticNet.
    Cross-Validation Strategies: Stratified K-Fold, Time Series Split, Group K-Fold.
    Overfitting and Underfitting: Bias-variance trade-off, model selection, and tuning.

Supervised Learning:

  • Regression Techniques:
    — Simple and Multiple Regression:
    Feature engineering, diagnostic tools for regression.
    Polynomial Regression: Modeling curvilinear relationships, model selection, and validation.
    Regression Trees: Decision trees, ensemble methods (Random Forests, Gradient Boosting).
  • Classification Algorithms:
    — KNN and Logistic Regression:
    Basic algorithms for classification problems.
    Support Vector Machines (SVM): Defining linear and non-linear decision boundaries.
    Naive Bayes: Text classification and spam filtering.

Unsupervised Learning:

  • Clustering Techniques:
    — K-Means and GMM:
    Clustering and density-based modeling.
    Hierarchical Clustering: Defining cluster hierarchies with dendrograms.
    DBSCAN and HDBSCAN: Density-based clustering, outlier detection.
  • Dimensionality Reduction:
    — PCA (Principal Component Analysis):
    Identifying key components in high-dimensional data.
    LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis): Dimensionality reduction based on class separation.
    t-SNE and UMAP: Visualization and exploration of high-dimensional data.

Advanced Algorithms and Techniques:

  • Ensemble Learning:
    — Bagging and Boosting:
    Random Forest, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting (GBM), XGBoost, LightGBM, and CatBoost.
    Stacking and Blending: Combining different models to create a stronger predictor.
    Voting Classifier: Combining different algorithms using majority or weighted voting.
  • Anomaly Detection:
    — Isolation Forest:
    Tree-based anomaly detection.
    One-Class SVM: Anomaly detection in high-dimensional data.
    Elliptic Envelope: Anomaly detection based on Gaussian distribution.
  • Time Series Analysis:
    — ARIMA and SARIMA:
    Classical methods for time series analysis and forecasting.
    Prophet: Time series modeling with seasonality and trend developed by Facebook.
    LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory): Deep learning applications in time series data.

Feature Engineering and Feature Selection:

  • Feature Engineering:
    — Interaction Features:
    Creating interaction terms between variables.
    Polynomial Features: Using polynomial terms to enhance model accuracy.
    Datetime Features: Extracting and utilizing time-based features in models.
  • Feature Selection:
    — Embedded Methods:
    Feature importance metrics embedded in regularization methods (Lasso, Ridge), decision trees, Random Forest.
    Filter Methods: ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, Chi-Square tests.
    Wrapper Methods: Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE), Forward/Backward Selection.
  • Model Tuning and Optimization:
    — Grid Search and Random Search:
    Basic search techniques for hyperparameter optimization.
    Bayesian Optimization: More efficient methods for hyperparameter optimization (Hyperopt, Optuna).
    AutoML: Rapid model development using automated machine learning tools (H2O AutoML, Auto-sklearn, TPOT).


  • “Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow” by Aurélien Géron.
  • “Ensemble Methods: Foundations and Algorithms” by Zhi-Hua Zhou.
  • “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” by Christopher M. Bishop.
  • “Machine Learning Engineering” by Andriy Burkov.
  • “Applied Predictive Modeling” by Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson.


  • Coursera: “Advanced Machine Learning Specialization” by National Research University Higher School of Economics.
  • Udacity: “Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree”.
  • DataCamp: “Ensemble Learning”.
  • “Practical Deep Learning for Coders”.

4. Deep Learning

Neural Networks and Basic Structures:

  • Feedforward Neural Networks: Structure of deep neural networks, activation functions, forward and backward propagation algorithms.
  • Deep Learning Regularization Techniques:
  • Dropout: Randomly disabling nodes in neural networks to prevent overfitting.
  • Batch Normalization: Speeding up the learning process by normalizing data distribution during training.
  • Weight Decay: Penalizing weights to prevent overfitting.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN):

  • Convolutional Layers: Extracting image features, kernel sizes, and padding strategies.
  • Pooling Layers: Downsampling, Max Pooling, Average Pooling.
  • Advanced CNN Architectures: Deep CNN architectures like ResNet, VGG, Inception, EfficientNet.
  • Application of CNNs:
  • Image Classification: Image classification.
  • Object Detection: Object detection algorithms like R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, YOLO, SSD.
  • Image Segmentation: Image segmentation with U-Net, Mask R-CNN.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN):

  • Basic Structure: Modeling time series data and sequential data.
  • LSTM and GRU: Advanced RNN structures for capturing long-term dependencies.
  • Attention Mechanism: Mechanism underpinning Transformer architectures, seq2seq models.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN):

  • GAN Structure: Game theory-based battle between Generator and Discriminator.
  • GAN Applications: Synthetic data generation, style transfer, super-resolution.
  • Advanced GAN Techniques: Wasserstein GAN, Conditional GAN, CycleGAN.

Transformer Models and NLP:

  • Self-Attention: Fundamental mechanism of Transformer architectures for modeling long-term dependencies.
  • BERT and GPT: Masked Language Modeling, Next Sentence Prediction, Text Generation.
  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU): Sentiment analysis, named entity recognition (NER), machine translation.

Libraries and Tools:

  • TensorFlow and Keras: Popular frameworks for developing deep learning models.
  • PyTorch: Flexible framework for model development and rapid prototyping.
  • Hugging Face Transformers: Transformer-based NLP models.
  • ONNX: Model format compatible across different platforms.


  • “Deep Learning” by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville.
  • “Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow” by Aurélien Géron.
  • “Neural Networks and Deep Learning” by Michael Nielsen.
  • “GANs in Action” by Jakub Langr and Vladimir Bok.
  • “Transformers for Natural Language Processing” by Denis Rothman.


  • Coursera: “Deep Learning Specialization” by Andrew Ng.
  • Udacity: “Deep Learning Nanodegree”.
  • edX: “Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars” by MIT.
  • DataCamp: “Convolutional Neural Networks in Python”.

5. Big Data and Distributed Computing

Big Data Ecosystems:

  • Hadoop Ecosystem: HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), MapReduce, YARN, Hive, Pig.
  • Apache Spark: In-memory computation, RDDs, DataFrames, Datasets, Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, GraphX.
  • Flink and Storm: Real-time data processing, event stream processing.
  • Data Lake vs. Data Warehouse: Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake vs. Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery.

Databases and Storage Solutions:

  • SQL Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle Database.
  • NoSQL Databases: MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase, Neo4j.
  • NewSQL: Google Spanner, CockroachDB, VoltDB.
  • Data Warehouses and Data Lakes: Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, Azure Synapse Analytics.

Distributed Computing and Data Processing:

  • MapReduce: Basic concepts and operation of distributed data processing.
  • Apache Spark: Spark RDDs, DataFrames, Spark SQL, GraphX, MLlib, Spark Streaming.
  • Apache Kafka: Real-time data streaming and event-driven architectures.

Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning:

  • Spark MLlib: Distributed machine learning library, ML pipelines, model tuning.
  • Distributed machine learning platform, AutoML, Spark integration.
  • Dask: Flexible Python library for parallel processing and working with large datasets.

Libraries and Tools:

  • PySpark: Big data processing and analysis with Apache Spark in Python.
    RDD (Resilient Distributed Datasets): Core data structure of Spark, flexible and distributed data processing.
    DataFrames: SQL-like data structure, performance optimization, and data analysis.
    MLlib: Running machine learning algorithms on Spark.
  • Dask: Parallel processing with large datasets in Python.
    Dask Arrays and DataFrames: Similar to NumPy and Pandas, but distributed.
    Dask Delayed: Usage of computation graphs and lazy evaluation.
    Dask-ML: Running machine learning algorithms on large datasets.
  • Apache Kafka: Real-time data streaming and messaging system.
    Stream Processing: Kafka integration with Apache Flink, Apache Storm.
    Kafka Streams API: API for developing Kafka-based streaming applications.
  • Hadoop Ecosystem:
    — HDFS:
    Distributed file system for storing and managing large datasets.
    MapReduce: Basic framework for large-scale data processing.
    Hive and Pig: SQL-like query languages and data processing tools, data warehouse solutions.
    HBase: NoSQL database for fast read/write operations on large datasets.
  • Distributed and parallel machine learning platform.
    H2O Flow: Web-based interface for data analysis and modeling.
    H2O AutoML: Automated model selection and hyperparameter optimization.
    Sparkling Water: Integration of H2O with Apache Spark.


  • “Hadoop: The Definitive Guide” by Tom White (For Hadoop ecosystem and big data).
  • “Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Big Data Analysis” by Jules Damji, Brooke Wenig, Tathagata Das, and Denny Lee (Big data analysis with Apache Spark).
  • “Kafka: The Definitive Guide” by Neha Narkhede, Gwen Shapira, and Todd Palino (Comprehensive information on Apache Kafka).
  • “Designing Data-Intensive Applications” by Martin Kleppmann (For designing data-intensive systems).
  • “Data Science on the Google Cloud Platform” by Valliappa Lakshmanan (Big data and machine learning applications on the cloud).


  • Coursera: “Big Data Specialization” by UC San Diego (Big data technologies and analysis).
  • edX: “Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark” by UC Berkeley (Big data analysis with Spark).
  • Udacity: “Data Engineering Nanodegree” (Big data engineering and distributed systems).
  • DataCamp: “Big Data with PySpark” (Big data analysis with PySpark).

6. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP Fundamentals:

  • Text Cleaning:
    — Tokenization:
    Breaking text into sentences or words, word tokenization, sentence tokenization.
    Stemming and Lemmatization: Porter and Snowball stemmers, WordNet lemmatizer.
    Stop Words: Filtering out frequently used but non-informative words, stop word lists in nltk and spacy.
    Regular Expressions (RegEx): Searching for specific patterns in text, filtering text using Regex.
  • N-gram Models:
    — N-gram Language Models:
    Modeling probability distributions of texts.
    Skip-Gram and CBOW: Techniques used in Word2Vec model.
  • Language Models:
    — Bag of Words (BoW):
    A simple and effective language model based on word frequencies.
    TF-IDF: Term Frequency — Inverse Document Frequency, a statistical weighting for identifying important terms.
    Word Embeddings: Numerical representations of words with Word2Vec, GloVe, FastText.

Advanced NLP Techniques:

  • Transformer Models:
    — Self-Attention:
    Fundamental mechanism of Transformer architectures for modeling long-term dependencies.
    BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): Masked Language Modeling, Next Sentence Prediction.
    GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer): Language modeling and text generation, large language models like GPT-3.
    RoBERTa, ALBERT, T5: Various Transformer architecture variants and their performance in NLP applications.
  • Sequence Models:
    — Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs):
    Modeling sequential data, time series analysis, text sequences.
    Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU): Modeling long-term dependencies.
    Seq2Seq Models: Encoder-Decoder structures for machine translation and text summarization.
    Attention Mechanism: Contextual information usage with the attention mechanism, the foundation of Transformer models.
  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU):
    — Sentiment Analysis:
    Classifying texts as positive, negative, or neutral through sentiment analysis.
    Named Entity Recognition (NER): Identifying proper nouns like people, places, organizations in text.
    Topic Modeling: Identifying hidden themes in texts with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF).
    Text Classification: Text classification models based on CNN and RNN.

Practical Applications:

  • Chatbot Development: Developing chatbots with tools like Rasa, Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework.
  • Machine Translation: Translation systems based on Seq2Seq models, Transformer-based translation systems.
  • Text Summarization: Extractive and abstractive summarization methods.
  • Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR): Recognizing and converting speech to text, using models like DeepSpeech.

Libraries and Tools:

  • nltk: A fundamental Python library for natural language processing.
  • spacy: An efficient and modern NLP library.
  • gensim: For topic modeling and similar text processing tasks.
  • transformers (Hugging Face): Transformer-based NLP models.
  • textblob: A simple and easy-to-use NLP library.
  • Flair: An advanced NLP library for rich word embeddings and sequence tagging.


  • “Speech and Language Processing” by Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin (A foundational resource for NLP theory and applications).
  • “Natural Language Processing with Python” by Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper (For NLP applications with Python).
  • “Deep Learning for NLP and Speech Recognition” by Uday Kamath, John Liu, and James Whitaker (Deep learning and NLP).
  • “Transformers for Natural Language Processing” by Denis Rothman (For Transformer-based NLP).
  • “Introduction to Information Retrieval” by Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, and Hinrich Schütze (Information retrieval and NLP).


  • Coursera: “Natural Language Processing” by (Basics and advanced techniques of NLP).
  • Udemy: “Natural Language Processing with Python and NLTK” by Jose Portilla (NLP with Python).
  • “Practical Deep Learning for Coders” (Includes an NLP module).
  • edX: “Text Mining and Analytics” by University of Illinois (Text mining and analytics).
  • DataCamp: “Natural Language Processing in Python (V2)” (NLP with Python).
  • Stanford Online: “CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning” (An advanced NLP course offered at Stanford University, focusing on deep learning and NLP).
  • Udacity: “Artificial Intelligence for Trading” (NLP applications in financial data analysis).

7. Model Deployment and Production

Model Deployment:

  • Web Services and APIs:
    — Flask and FastAPI:
    Developing lightweight web applications and APIs with Python.
    Django: A full-featured web development framework, creating REST APIs.
    GraphQL: Developing APIs for data querying and manipulation.
  • Containerization:
    — Docker:
    Isolating and deploying applications in containers.
    Kubernetes: A platform for deploying, managing, and scaling applications.
    Docker Compose: Managing and deploying multiple services simultaneously.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):
    — Jenkins:
    An automation platform for CI/CD processes.
    GitLab CI/CD: CI/CD integrated with GitLab.
    CircleCI: A fast and flexible CI/CD solution.
    Travis CI: CI/CD automation for GitHub projects.

Model Monitoring and Management:

  • MLOps: Model management, monitoring, and retraining processes.
    Model Drifting: Monitoring the performance of the model over time and retraining when necessary.
    Model Monitoring: Continuously monitoring model performance and metrics (Prometheus, Grafana).
  • A/B Testing:
    — Split Testing:
    Comparing the performance of different model versions in a real-world environment.
    Metric Analysis: Analyzing performance metrics to determine which model performs best.

Model Versioning and Reproduction:

  • Model Versioning:
    — MLflow:
    Tracking machine learning experiments, model monitoring, and version control.
    DVC (Data Version Control): Version control for datasets and models.
    Git: Version control system for managing code and models.
  • Reproducible Pipelines:
    — Prefect and Airflow:
    Managing data processing and model training processes and creating reproducible workflows.
    Kubeflow Pipelines: Automating machine learning workflows to run on Kubernetes.
    Docker: Managing environmental dependencies and portability of workflows.

Model Management Platforms:

  • MLflow: Model management, monitoring, and experiment tracking.
  • Kubeflow: Creating and deploying machine learning workflows on Kubernetes.
  • Seldon: An open-source MLOps platform for model deployment and monitoring.
  • Airflow: A powerful tool for scheduled workflows and data pipelines.
  • A platform for model and experiment management.


  • “Building Machine Learning Powered Applications” by Emmanuel Ameisen (For MLOps and model deployment).
  • “Designing Data-Intensive Applications” by Martin Kleppmann (For designing data-intensive applications).
  • “Flask Web Development” by Miguel Grinberg (Developing web applications with Flask).
  • “Effective DevOps” by Jennifer Davis and Katherine Daniels (DevOps principles and practices).
  • “Continuous Delivery” by Jez Humble and David Farley (Principles and practices of CI/CD).


  • Coursera: “Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production” by (Model deployment and MLOps).
  • Udemy: “Flask Framework: Build Python-based Web Applications” by Jose Salvatierra (Model deployment with Flask).
  • Pluralsight: “Docker for Data Scientists” by Andrew Baker (Docker usage and deployment).
  • edX: “MLOps with Python” by Microsoft (MLOps applications and model management).
  • DataCamp: “Introduction to Docker for Data Science” (Using Docker and containerization for data science projects).

Best of luck.



Çağla Öztürk

Data Scientist | ML | DL | GENAI | Mentor | AI Artist | Co-Founder | Changing the World with the Best Data Use