8 reasons why you’re struggling to achieve your goals — and how to fix it

Ceri Peck
9 min readFeb 1, 2022
Picture by mohamed_hassan on Pixabay

Have you ever found that you get a short burst of inspiration to change your life for the better? You’re about to start setting goals and building habits that will make you the healthiest, fittest, wealthiest, most sociable person out there…

… only to find that a few days later you’re 18 episodes deep into a new Netflix series, eating the second bar of chocolate (that day) with no plans to move for the next 12 hours. I’ve been there too.

Luckily several psychological phenomena can explain why we might be failing to motivate ourselves to carry out actions to achieve our goals, here are the top 8…

  1. You’ve set goals that alter your current routine too much

Ambition to change your life is great, and goal setting should stretch us out of our comfort zone in order to make goals meaningful. Unfortunately, humans are creatures of habit, if we set goals that mean we have to significantly change our routine, it can be incredibly challenging to carry out those goals.

Unfortunately, our brains normally have to work super hard to form good new habits. The pre-frontal cortex is the part of your brain responsible for repressing any current negative behaviours, inhibiting automatic responses to pre-existing cues, task-switching and…



Ceri Peck

A psychology graduate and new to writing. I love to share anything that interests me with others. I'd love to get some feedback on my posts, so comment away!