Artists Who Made Global Hits With GarageBand

Mike Dacombe
4 min readJul 22, 2023

Artists Who Made Global Hits With GarageBand

Garageband has always been an essential tool for aspiring musicians and musicians-at-heart who are interested in perfecting their craft before going on to more professional software, at least usually. Here, however, we focus on some well-known artists who created major hits using basic Apple tools.

Since its first release in 2004, GarageBand has been extremely well-liked among musicians. The ‘Base of digital recording’, this Apple product is widely utilized by artists and businesses worldwide.

Worldwide, Apple sold 216.76 million phones in 2017. Every Apple device comes pre-installed with GarageBand, making it accessible to everyone with an iPad, iPhone, or Mac. This allows for a wide variety of functions, from those who just wished to record some excellent music to well-known artists who produced the works we listen to and like today. GarageBand is used to create some of the finest music we hear today, yet many people are still unaware of this.

‘’Some of the best music we hear nowadays is made by using GarageBand and yet, many are still not aware of this. Start with ‘Umbrella’ by Rihanna to Grimes who uses GarageBand since forever, and you get one of the biggest trends in music production of today.’’



Mike Dacombe

Creator of Bachelor of Music Industry Management, Producer, Sound Engineer, Music Journalist, DJ, Event Manager, MUSIC BOSS.