Skriware — reinventing how we 3D print

5 min readDec 11, 2017


Homemade 3D robots sounds like components of the perfect dream for many kids and to be honest: not only for them. What the Warsaw based company has created is like enabling people to be engineers or wizards because for many of us, designing, customizing and building robots used to be impossible. With Skiware it’s all possible for everyone. On the top of it, as “side effect”, while having fun one can learn the basis of programming. Who could imagine better way of studying?

Karol Górnowicz, Skriware CEO leads us through their journey.

“Can you tell us in one sentence what you guys do?”

Skriware provides home and school-suited 3D printing ecosystem developing XXI-century skill set via process of designing, building and programming 3D-printed robots.

“Why did you and your co-founders (if you have any) decide to build something like you do today? What was your initial inspiration or problem you wished to solve?”

The idea behind Skriware was to make 3D printing easy to use. That’s why nearly 2 years ago we have created and launched our first 3D printer on Kickstarter. It was an easy-to- use and intuitive product, providing one-click printing user experience. The next step after the successful crowdfunding campaign was creating a set of useful tools that would easily allow to gain and develop skills related to 3D printing. We believe it is one of the key future technologies everyone should get familiar with. Hence the idea of a platform and an entire product ecosystem consisting of a 3D printer, virtual library with 3D models, 3D-printed education toys (robots) and an e-learning platform.

“What excites you the most about your work, and what is that single moment in your past that you are most proud of?”

We’re excited to see our ideas coming to life and receive positive customer feedback.

Creating something new is always tough.

It requires a lot of checking, rechecking and reiterating implying constant adjustments — because you are trying to reach people from all around the world, living in different cultures, having various background, and using foreign languages. After this [never-ending:)] process, hearing positive opinions from the USA through Europe, the Middle East and South-East Asia, it’s a truly rewarding moment!

“…and fails? We all have them, but what were your most spectacular ones? Of course only the ones you wish to share”

Well, we all learn from mistakes. Our most spectacular one was believing that the shipping company (name won’t be mentioned) will handle our machines with care just because we put fragile stickers on them. Couple of the first printers we delivered were damaged. Furthermore, we pivoted quite recently because our initial business strategy did not prove successful.

“We all know entrepreneurship is a difficult road to take, especially in the world of startups; are there any mantras, hobbies or routines that you use to keep your mind and body healthy?”

We have tons of entertainment in the office to keep us sane, such as darts or video games as well as we try to keep team morale and cooperation high by celebrating every milestone, birthdays any other special occasions. Lately, we have even organized Skriware’s drone races in our assembly hall!

“Is there something in startup-zeitgeist that in an ideal world we would not need to have?”

Paperwork :)

“What do you value most in people? Especially those in your team?”

Responsibility and ownership come first. Second, is diversity in terms of skill and opinion. Last but not least I think, is passion and ambition.

“What do you anticipate the most for technology in the forthcoming 5 years? What are the things that knock your socks off?”

We are really excited about VR technology and its applications in many areas modeling and sculpting for 3D printing, but also creating immersive testing playgrounds for engineering or programming. Also in the 3D printing itself, I am mostly interested in the development of bio-printing.

Because if we manage to regenerate/reprint old and sick tissues on a human being, we will be able to live forever.

Here comes the story of the philosopher’s stone…

“Who are you most excited about in your local startup ecosystem and why?”

People who are pushing for modern education for kids. Especially any initiatives that are aimed specifically at girls who can be as good as boys not only across creative / artistic but also in technical areas.

“In your opinion what are the single best and the single worst things running a startup from Central Europe?”

Central and Eastern Europe is full of amazing cases and innovative startups that are worth to watch. However, this important and constantly expanding region needs much more recognition and attention. European startup community needs to show that global trends, like EdTech, Sharing Economy or E-sport, are a thing in CEE as well, and at the same time hold an honest discussion about all triggers and barriers, not only focusing on the bright examples of local unicorns that have managed to expand their business globally.

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We at CESAwards stand with our hats in our hands each year in front of all the amazing innovation, the incredible stories and brave startupper who strive for more, who are here to build and change the status quo in the CEE region.

In this interview series we introduce our National Winners of 2017.




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