November Project: A friend for all seasons

Carol Shiflett
2 min readJun 22, 2016


Dear Mr. Vogel,

I think my fellow NP-ers have laid out more than enough reasons to continue to allow our respectful use of National Park Service property, and specifically the Lincoln Memorial stairs, but I wanted to share my NP story and support, just in case.

I ran the Lincoln Memorial steps for the first time in June 2014, and I have “just showed up” on Wednesdays on a semi-regular basis and occasionally on Fridays since then. I am going to be totally honest with you right now. I am a fair-weather friend to November Project. Sometimes I find the 9 mile bike ride in from Northern Virginia too much for me on cold and dark mornings. Sometimes I just don’t feel like getting up at 5AM.

One of my first mornings running the Lincoln Memorial stairs, June 30, 2014.

But let me tell you, I know for a fact that on those mornings that I do get myself together and out the door in time, a community of caring, warm and energetic people will be there waiting for me. I never regret expending the energy to get out there and run those stairs. These people are committed to creating an inclusive and courteous community of fitness and camaraderie — rain or shine, snow or oppressive humidity. November Project has been a friend to me through all seasons.

Freezing temperatures can’t stop NP, January 28, 2015. Don’t worry, I wasn’t actually running on the ice. Photo credit: Steve Christensen.
Workin’ those stairs through the humidity and rain. Photo credit: November Project DC.

We have been fortunate to have access to such incredible urban park spaces without incident or disruption to park access for other visitors. Please grant November Project a permit to continue to use National Park Service property, including the Lincoln Memorial stairs.


Carol Shiflett


