Tired of Modern Cinema? I’ll convince you Why Old Movies are the Best!

Why it’s called the “Golden Age of Hollywood”

Cezar Bercea
4 min readJan 25, 2023
Photo by Quentin BASNIER on unsplash.com

You might not be a big fan of the classic black and white, but somewhere in the system, there’s an old movie that’s right for you!

There’s something about old movies that just feels more real. Isn’t it? Maybe it’s because we can relate to the characters more or because we know that they’re going through classic human emotions.


Watching old movies can be like taking a journey back in time, to a world that seems simpler and more humane than the robotic and unsentimental one we inhabit today. The characters seem warmer and more approachable, their stories and emotions connecting more readily with our own. These films were made with far less technology than is available now, yet somehow they still manage to convey a sense of intimacy and nostalgia that’s often missing from cold, modern-day productions. Old movies remind us why going to the theater was once so special; the feelings of joy and comfort that come from watching them can never quite be replicated with the latest CGI extravaganzas.

Some examples

Cleopatra and Ben Hur, Lust for Life and El Cid, El Dorado and Beyond The Valley of the Dolls — these are just some of the classic films that come to mind when we think about cinema’s golden age. Not only did they provide us with an escape into a world of adventure, dreams, and romance, but also full-fledged stories that captured our imaginations and gave us a glimpse into eras gone by. These tales have left an imprint on our collective consciousness, inspiring generations to follow in the grand cinematic tradition of creating meaningful works of art.

Human relationships vs CGI

With the advent of special effects and CGI technology, modern blockbusters today tend to rely too much on graphics-intensive sequences to dazzle their audiences. But in contrast, it was a different story for old movies. They focused heavily on conveying human relationships, with actors having more direct involvement in the plots. Older actors were classically trained and used to memorize their entire scripts while actors nowadays don’t worry too much about such “trifle things”. Another disadvantage to modern movies is that technical antisocial geeks nowadays are left with the job of portraying complex human emotions — which they’re unfamiliar with — making them unable to bring out the best performances. Back then everyone contributed to the movie because they were living in “the present” without having modern social media to distract them. Moreover, everyone was bigger at heart and not as wasteful when using film cameras. So you experience an intense sense of nostalgia when witnessing these masterpieces of art that reflect our roots and humanity better than the overly flashy productions out there today.


Watching old movies has always been an enjoyable experience for me, the lessons I learned about life while sitting through them were immeasurable. While the graphics of modern cinema can be mesmerizing, the stories tend to lack the emotional intensity that the classics had. It’s so easy to feel empathy for the humane characters in the classic films as opposed to the robotic personas in the newer ones. It is that humanity which makes these classics a timeless source of joy and wisdom, and it’s why I appreciate the classic movies so much more than the new ones.

I invite you to contribute

If you love old movies and have your favorites, now is your opportunity to share that with the world. I’m inviting all readers to leave your top picks for old movies in the comments section, and your advice will be well received as I intend to watch everything you recommend. Watching old films has a way of taking us back in time and providing us with new perspectives on the present day, which makes them some of the best forms of entertainment out there. So grab your popcorn and let’s get this movie party started!

Classic cinema has the power to remind us of the simpler times in life. In watching the beloved films from yesteryear, we can be carried away on journeys full of more heart than those featured in today’s stories. We can gain insight into our relationships with ourselves and others, cherish the nostalgia for past eras, and appreciate more fully what makes human interactions so special. Though modern films have ambitious and intricate storylines that often captivate viewers today, there is a level of joy missing from many of them: joy in being part of something bigger than ourselves. In addition to reminding us to live life passionately and completely appreciate all that we have, classic films remind us of the boundless joys experienced through human connection — a feeling that will never be replaced by CGI or special effects. So take a journey back in time and enjoy a classic movie — your soul will thank you! And don’t forget to share your favorite old movies with us in the comments below! Thanks for reading!



Cezar Bercea

Writer+Copywriter. Documenting my journey until I gain stability with writing. I post on here mostly, follow if you want: https://brokewriter.substack.com/