What you need to know as a new-age Digital Marketing Strategy client

Celine Fort
Apr 17, 2022


It seems there is no way to stop the clock and think about the present.

What feels happened yesterday, actually happened two years ago.

And what will happen in a month, is in a long time, even though in a matter of seconds you feel the above.

As our lives move faster every minute, our bodies are learning to adapt and learn even faster, and the way we interact is changing immensely.

The world we know today is not a simple one, it is a digital one, where the main way of communication for all aspects is managed by our phones, laptops, ipads, computers, etc.

As everything has shifted towards digital, it is essential to know these five aspects that will affect how one strategizes a digital marketing campaign.



Celine Fort

NYC • Peru • Digital Marketing • Insights Enthusiast • Grad Student at NYU — Integrated Marketing