8 Food Preparation Tips From Precision Nutrition for Busy People

The Dead Readers Society
7 min readJan 26, 2023

Precision Nutrition Tips that “helped me eat with a “job, commitment, and responsibilities”.

Now that I look back on it, being taught these things at a younger age would have benefited me well too. Not just for weight loss, but for efficiency and the ability to lead and live a more satisfying life. In addition, knowing what foods I am intolerant of has allowed me to eat better on the go. Precision Nutrition’s idea of “deep health” helps with that, by teaching me how many factors actually go into the equation for me to feel healthy. Within deep health and Precision Nutrition, we learn about their biopsychosocial approach to life: “The ‘biopsychosocial (BPS) model’ emphasizes the interconnection between biological, psychological, and socio-environmental factors. When this model is applied to health, it demonstrates the importance of maintaining wellness in all aspects of our lives.”(PN). And so as I get older with different health parameters, I can attest to that.

Here are 8 Food Preparation Tips That You Can Try:

  1. Chop Veggies Only Twice Per Week —Although I eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, I recognize the…



The Dead Readers Society

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