TWITTER PROXIES: How small businesses can use this advantage to make business communication more effective?

Fred Crosstler
4 min readOct 4, 2019


Introduction on Twitter proxies and its necessity to improve various business activities on this social network.

Social networks had a great impact on our daily lives and became a big part of our daily routines. It also became very important for business — if you can’t be found on social media, are you even exist? Big businesses learn the advantages of social networks pretty fast, but a small business still struggles on finding ways to be seen on these platforms and can miss a lot of chances to make their business grow faster and successfully compete in the market with big sharks.
If you are a small business owner, you’re constantly looking for new ways to get your company’s brand on the radar of potential customers. Interacting with consumers on social media is an important marketing strategy for small businesses. Using social media helps you build brand awareness, increase your customer base, and connect with current customers.

The variety of social networks — which are the best for business communication?

Despite such a wide variety, there are some of the social networks that are so-called “Royalty” and it includes such networks as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Snapchat. The popularity of each of them varies according to the specific country or region, but the usefulness of these networks can’t be overlooked and this is why I want to talk about one of them today — Twitter.
Having more than 321 million monthly active users, Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms. Still, many small businesses overlook this amazing social network and concentrate more on such giants as Facebook or Instagram where the marketing campaigns might be easier to understand. Nevertheless, Twitter has a very wide community and can be very helpful when it comes to brand awareness and various social campaigns or discussions with the target audience which are very easily managed. The problem is that Twitter allows only one account per user and stops people from taking advantage of this platform’s features to market their businesses or communicate with their fans and followers. But to overcome these challenges, Twitter proxies can be used.

Why Twitter proxies are needed?

Twitter proxies are needed not only to bypass various restrictions, but also to work with Twitter bots that are used by everyone who works with marketing on Twitter. Bots allow you to schedule your posts, easier to communicate with your target audience, use such features as “Twitter mention” (to find a target audience for business), pull tweets from RSS and much more. These automatic tools/bots allow all kinds of business to promote their company/brand/product/service much more efficiently and to reach great numbers of the audience in no time at all, but the proxy services (where you can use IP changer) are a necessity for these tools to work. This is why it is highly recommended not to overlook such services and the benefits it can offer.

Where to find Twitter proxies?

Since nowadays the market is full of various proxy servers, sometimes it is very hard to find the right services and the right proxies (e.g., there are residential and data center proxies that are classified in several different types, like transparent proxies, forward proxies, private proxies, etc.) for your business and for a specific case you would like to use them. Because proxies can be used for many reasons — market research, web scraping, ad verification, etc. — we sometimes forget that they also serve the purpose to make our daily routines and work with social media easier. And to make your research for Twitter proxy providers less complicated and simple I would recommend checking Proxyway. Proxyway is a website where you can find reviews about various proxy providers, their comparisons and some great and detailed blog posts that are relevant for those who want to get more insights on the topic about proxies. In this specific case — Twitter proxies — I would suggest reading a detailed review about best Twitter proxy providers here —

In general, social networks add great value for all kinds of businesses despite the size of the business or in which market it operates. Geo-restrictions and censorship shouldn’t be an obstacle for business to meet their clients and use a variety of available features to grow their business and be seen more in a virtual world as well as in a real one. This is why every business should take advantage of using social networks and in need of bypass various restrictions, to look for additional services — like proxy services — to be able to succeed in a fast-changing business world and compete for a bigger part of the market.

