Finding Your Vision Takes Time: Invest in It

Georgia Caroline
2 min readSep 5, 2016


I write about all kinds of things here at Georgia Caroline. From poetry to spoken word, daily life blogs to inspirational pieces. I write about technology, advertising, and how to make chicken salad. This bugs the crap out of me, you know why?

Because it’s not concise. The things I enjoy writing about are varied and fill the needs of various audiences. It’s very hard for me to “pigeon hole” myself to a particularly category or subject at this time, and while that annoys me its okay.

Finding my unique vision, my niche I’ve discovered is going to take time… and I’m going to invest the needed time in it in order to get the best result.

Many successful bloggers on Medium and other platforms almost exclusively elect themselves and their work to a specific category or within a specific subject. They become, if they are not already experts in this field and work well within it. While this is by no means the only model to be a successful blogger, it is a popular one. One I wish to achieve to a degree in time. But I’m not there yet.

One thing I learned after years of failed blog attempts is that I cannot limit my writing flow and style to a particular theme early on. I get bored, I want to write about something else, and inevitably I quit. So for now, Georgia Caroline will be a hodgepodge of variety and interesting discussion on a diverse array of topics.

As time progresses, I’ll find my mojo and what “theme” and target audience I mingle best with. But for now, I am going to continue to write the best content I can, draw a diverse audience base, and keep moving forward. I’m taking the time to invest in who I am as a writer, and let the little green hearts fall where they may.

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Georgia Caroline is a advertising enthusiast, wife, fur mom, writer, and Jesus freak. She is all about giving in to the impossible. Email her at

