Programming side hustle 2023–24

Ch Kashif
2 min readJan 26, 2023

Here are some general tips that you can consider while starting a programming side hustle:

  1. Build a simple web or mobile app: You can create a simple web or mobile app that solves a specific problem for a specific group of users. There are many tutorials and resources available online to help you get started.
  2. Create a website: You can create a website for a small business or individual, which can include features such as an online store, blog, or portfolio.
  3. Develop a software tool: You can develop a software tool that automates a specific task or process for businesses or individuals.
  4. Build chatbots: Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular and in demand. You can build chatbots for businesses to help them automate customer service and support.
  5. Create an online course: You can create an online course that teaches a specific programming language or skill, and sell it on platforms like Udemy or Skillshare.
  6. Offer programming consulting services: You can offer consulting services to help businesses and individuals solve their programming-related problems.
  7. Build plugins and add-ons: You can build plugins and add-ons for popular software tools to enhance their functionality and sell them on online marketplaces.
  8. Create games: You can create simple games and sell them on mobile app stores or online marketplaces.

Please note that these are general suggestions and it’s always good to do research and validate the demand for the service or product you plan on offering before starting a side hustle.

