The Arena (Phase 1)

2 min readMar 23, 2023


Hello, Oni again.

Today I wanted to explain to you how The Arena works, as this will be the primary way to interact with, and study the Lyrids you’ve collected.

Battle Format

The battle is structured as a 5 vs 5 turn based auto battle. Lyrids are ordered on each side with positions 1 through 5. Positions 1 and 2, would be considered the front liners, and 3 to 5 the back liners.

The order of the attackers is determined by the descending speed of all Lyrids on the battle field. In general, the attacking creature will attack the lowest ordered Lyrid from the opposing side so 1 through 5, depending on the lowest ordered creature that is still alive.

A team has been determined to win a match, when all opponents of the opposing side have been knocked out of battle.

Lyrid Attributes

For a deeper dive into the attributes Lyrids have, you canclick here. In summary, the attributes that a Lyrid posses are the following:

  • Type
  • Health
  • Speed
  • Damage
  • Damage Type
  • Armor
  • Magic Resist


Lyrids have a variety of types that are both weak and strong versus specific types. These are expressed below:

  • Earth damage is strong versus water creatures (and weak vs Wind)
  • Water damage is strong versus fire creatures (and weak vs Earth)
  • Fire damage is strong versus wind creatures (and weak vs Water)
  • Wind damage is strong versus earth creatures (and weak vs Fire)
  • Dark damage is strong versus light creatures
  • Light damage is strong versus dark creatures


Each creature posses 3 abilities they are as follows:

  • Passive: This ability is omnipresent, and is taken into consideration every turn that the Lyrid is still alive.
  • Active: Each Lyrid has an active ability, with a turn based cool down timer, that will be performed in place of an auto attack when the designated turn arrives.
  • Ultimate: Each Lyrid’s ultimate ability has a distinct cool down timer measured in number of turns, which is performed instead of active abilities and auto attacks.

This should serve as a good enough introduction to the format of the battles.


