Music Marketing : what are you going to do with all these data(s) ?

Christian Menez
3 min readAug 14, 2019
Photo by Patrik Michalicka on Unsplash

As Apple just released Apple Music for Artists analytic tools, this is another great opportunity given to artists and their teams to have more informations and control of their performances and their actions. Without depending on a third party.

Nevertheless, it also brings some questions about the management, understanding and call-to-actions : what are we going to do with all the datas ?

On one hand this is a new step for artists empowerment, on the other it brings more complexity, it’s time consuming and requires some expertise. It’s not about the access to data but how to use them in the best possible ways.

Here are few recommandations :

Built a global strategy with realistic objectives and measurable steps

Whatever are the tools, infos, datas you can gather, the most important is the overview, the artistic vision with the marketing actions planned to achieve the goals. A good way to proceed is to start from the long term objective and to decline in mid-term ones and then shorter ones.

Once you have this overview, you can measure with a vision.

Don’t get lost in details

Unless you need and have a very precise point to check or achieve, you can easily…



Christian Menez

Music, pics, digital, marketing and other stuff. Label and artist services. Lecturer. Happy founder