Transfer learning

Chaba Victor
3 min readJun 14, 2023


Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

Transfer learning is a powerful technique in machine learning that allows us to reuse pre-trained models to solve new tasks with less data and training time. Pre-trained models are models that have already been trained on large datasets and have learned to recognize patterns and features in the data. In this article, we will explore the concept of transfer learning and how it can be used with pre-trained models.

What is transfer learning?

Transfer learning is a technique in machine learning where a model trained on one task is reused as the starting point for training a new model on a different task. By using pre-trained models, we can leverage the knowledge learned from the original task and apply it to the new task. This approach can save a lot of time and computational resources as we don’t need to start from scratch.

How does transfer learning work?

When we use transfer learning, we typically take a pre-trained model and remove the last layer(s) of the model, which are responsible for making predictions on the original task. We then add new layers to the model and train them on the new task. The idea behind this approach is that the pre-trained layers have already learned useful features from the data, which can be used as input to the new layers. By fine-tuning the pre-trained model on the new task, we can quickly adapt it to the new dataset.

Pre-trained models for transfer learning

There are many pre-trained models available that can be used for transfer learning. Some popular pre-trained models include:

  1. VGG: A convolutional neural network (CNN) that was trained on the ImageNet dataset for image classification.
  2. BERT: A transformer-based model that was trained on a large corpus of text for natural language processing tasks such as sentiment analysis and language translation.
  3. GPT-2: A transformer-based model that was trained on a large corpus of text for language generation tasks such as text completion and summarization.

These pre-trained models are powerful and can be used as starting points for many different tasks. By fine-tuning these models on your specific dataset, you can quickly achieve state-of-the-art performance on your task.

Benefits of transfer learning with pre-trained models

Here are some benefits of using transfer learning with pre-trained models:

  1. Reduced training time: By using pre-trained models, we can reduce the time required to train a new model from scratch, as the pre-trained model has already learned useful features.
  2. Improved performance: Pre-trained models are trained on large datasets, which means they have already learned to recognize complex patterns and features in the data. By using these pre-trained models as starting points, we can achieve better performance on our tasks.
  3. Less data required: As pre-trained models have already learned useful features, we can use them with smaller datasets than we would need to train a model from scratch.


In conclusion, transfer learning with pre-trained models is a powerful technique in machine learning that can save time and resources while improving performance on new tasks. By leveraging the knowledge learned from pre-trained models, we can quickly adapt them to our specific datasets and achieve state-of-the-art performance. If you’re new to transfer learning, consider using one of the popular pre-trained models mentioned in this article as a starting point.

