Lesser known characters from Indian Epics: Urmila (Ramayana)

2 min readOct 10, 2023


Urmila, is a character in Indian epic Ramayana and has an unique story. She is the daughter of King Janaka of Mithila and Queen Sunayana, with Sita being her elder adoptive sister.

She was married to Lakshmana, the brother of Rama and the third son of Dasharatha. From this marriage, Angada and Chandraketu were born.

Urmila’s life took a distinctive turn when Lakshmana decided to accompany Rama and Sita into exile. Rather than insisting on accompanying her husband, she chose to remain in Ayodhya to care for his aging parents.

The legend of “Urmila Nidra” brings her unparalleled sacrifice to light. During the fourteen years of exile, it is believed that while Lakshmana, her husband, remained sleepless to protect his brother and sister-in-law, Urmila slept continuously. On the first night of their exile, Lakshmana prayed the deity Nidra for the boon of perpetual wakefulness. The goddess granted his wish but required someone else to sleep in his place. Urmila willingly accepted this arduous task, a testament to her exceptional sacrifice, now famously known as “Urmila Nidra.”

This sacrifice proved pivotal during the battle against Meghnath, Ravana’s son, who could only be defeated by one who had conquered sleep . It was Urmila’s unwavering sacrifice that allowed Lakshmana to slay Meghnath.

According to Puranic texts, Urmila and Lakshmana eventually took Jal Samadhi, a symbolic merging with water.

While Urmila’s direct role in the war against evil in the Ramayana may seem indirect, but her sacrifice played a profoundly significant part in the victory of good over evil.

The enduring legacy of Urmila and her sacrifice is commemorated in various temples, including the Sri Kalyana Ramachandra Sannidhi temple in Telangana’s Medak district, where statues of Rama’s brothers and their wives, including Lakshmana and Urmila, are enshrined. Another temple dedicated to Lakshmana and Urmila can be found in Rajasthan’s Bharatpur District.

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My passion for mythology, nurtured since childhood, led me to explore the often-overlooked side characters within these ancient tales.