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Thanks and Onward

Chad Arimura
2 min readMay 22, 2017

Last month, Iron.io was acquired by Xenon Ventures. Many of the team members are staying and will continue to grow the business and actively develop IronWorker and IronMQ. Customers are in great hands and should expect to see operational excellence, innovation, and best-in-class service. We wouldn’t have sold the business to anyone unwilling to carry the torch of “customer love”.

It’s been amazing to watch serverless really take shape. Who would have thought building a serverless search engine and the future is serverless from 6 years ago would foreshadow an entire category of computing? I still remember talking about tasks as the atomic unit of compute (most people saying Functions now), and small units of LXC-containerized jobs being an essential pattern of the future (Docker now). Now there are serverless conferences, serverless podcasts, serverless analysts, and even emerging serverless standards. Where did all the servers go?

As for what’s next, rather than start something new and spend years getting to a point of impact, me, Travis, and some members of the Iron engineering team will be joining Oracle to spearhead major initiatives around developer experience. This ship is sailing, and it’s sailing fast. That’s all I can say for now, but with the momentum, vision, and seriously amazing team I’ve met in my first few week here, you can expect a lot coming soon that will reshape preconceptions.

Thank you all for the support over the years, especially the team both current and former, our investors, advisors, my friends, and my wife. The CEO role can be a lonely one, but I never felt alone. There are many more platitudes when parting with something that’s been a part of you for the better-half of a decade so I’ll leave it at that.

Find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, this blog, and email to stay in touch.

Much love,

* “Thanks and onward” was an email signature from one of my investors back in 2011. I figured an appropriate title.)



Chad Arimura

Former founder & CEO, Iron.io, now VP Serverless Advocacy at Oracle. Programmer, cover band keyboardist.