Yippee Ki-yay

Chad Engle
2 min readFeb 4, 2019


Austin, TX photo by Carlos Delgado on Unsplash

Around 7 years ago one evening, I spent over 2hrs (on what was supposed to be a 30min catch up) having an absolute blast talking to the two co-founders of BoomTown: Cooper Bane and Grier Allen. At the time I joined, BoomTown was a small software company. ~30 of us sat in one room in an old grocery store on Rutledge Ave. Now, there’s roughly 275 employees spread across in 3 offices (Charleston, Atlanta & Emeryville) with a brand new HQ on upper king street in the pacific box and crate complex.

In a few weeks — I’ll be leaving BoomTown. I have enjoyed the amazing opportunity I was given to learn more about building software and teams at a fast growth company. I can’t say enough nice things about BT and have to give a shout out to everyone I’ve worked with over the years. It has been nothing short of an amazing ride! I know BoomTown will do great things in the coming years.

For my wife Megan and I, this is even more bittersweet because we’re leaving Charleston, SC entirely. Living somewhere for a decade, you form bonds, create friendships and invest in your city. You put down roots and develop an extended family, some of which you can’t imagine living without — you call that city a home. I think I prefer to think of this as an intermission rather than a permanent goodbye.

At the end of February we’ll be moving to Austin Texas and in March, I’ll be joining GoDaddy as a Product Design Director. I’m stoked for the opportunity and could not be more excited to join the team. To Taro, Andrew, Steven, Joan, Pots, JT, Lance, Carnell, Jessica, Katrina, and Chris —Thank you for the warm welcome, I’m super excited to join the team!

