The return of the 30 day push

Chad Flinn
2 min readMay 11, 2016

A couple months ago I gave myself a challenge.

I was going to write every day and post it on medium.

To be 100% honest it proved more challenging than I thought it was going to be.

Sometimes the challenge was finding something to write about. Sometimes it was finding the time to write. More often than not the challenge was finding the energy to write.

I did it though. Some of my entries I am really proud of and some I cringe when I re-read.

This time was a time I felt I was at a creative peak.

I had ideas constantly floating in my head. I was looking at the world through different eyes. I tried coming at different situations with different perspectives.

Anything and everything was fair game to write about.

Then it ended.

I wrote a self congratulatory post about it and then carried on with my life.

Sure I continued to write every day but something was missing.

I needed an audience.

I know that it sounds that I need attention, that I want people to notice me.

Maybe that’s true.

Perhaps I am like a little kid saying “look at me, look at me!!!!”

The fact of the matter is that I felt more creative, more inspired, more productive when I knew that people were going to read my posts.

Now I’m sure you’re expecting this to be some post where I unpack my need for people to view my work. Investigate why I need approval.

Sorry to disappoint.

Perhaps that will come up in future posts.

The purpose of this post is to say, “I’m back baby!!!”

I am going to experiment and push myself to write another 30 days in a row.

It’s not all going to be Pulitzer prize winning writing but I do promise transparency and honesty.

Don’t believe me? Read my other posts.

Am I being a bit egocentric and bratty? Sure, I don’t discount that but guess what?

You don’t have to read it.

Until tomorrow, peace out.



Chad Flinn

I write therefore I am a writer. I am just a guy who is trying to find his voice.