Chad Wilson
3 min readOct 11, 2017


Well met, reader. Today is day three of my newly minted mission to write a blog post every day for a year. I’m new to blogging, so I don’t know all (any) of the rules to this. I like to think that gives me the advantage of being able to break them all the same. Post after post on Medium has taught me how to improve my writing, converging into a few well oiled points. but please, don’t expect a list yet.

The first and most obvious tip has been to write every day. I hope it has become clear that I am taking this one to heart as you can expect my entries to be diverse. Switching between short story and memory, I’ll attempt to write articles of importance while practicing my prose. A few things you can expect from my fledgling try.

My goal is to find my voice. I’m on the trail, having glimpsed it from afar. I once spent a day in the same room, but could never capture my suspect. If you see it be sure to let me know!

I was born and raised in Modesto California in the fall of ’88. I know you’ve never heard of it, but its the home of George Lucas and Jeremy Renner. People from Modesto don’t hesitate to remind. I went to the high school that American Graffiti inspired, and I knew people who knew Lacey Peterson. You have google, use it. (Or Bing… hipsters/Bill Gates.)

I wish I could tell you that I longed for adventure. That I planned at a young age to set out across the stars, seeking fodder for my creativity. The truth is I never once considered leaving home until I did. In fact, until I turned 19 I had never left the state. Reno doesn’t count. I always thought i would get married, have kids, and die in that cow town. Fate would have something to say about that.

I was young, smarter than my friends (opinion), and stagnant in a town where nothing ever changed. So I decided to join the Army. I remember when picking my job that I wanted to do something like the infantry, but with better job opportunities than security or cop. With visions of running through gunfire as a combat medic, I signed away six years of my life for a chance to escape. And I never went back.

Now I live in Chicago, reading Hemingway for the first time and I’m even typing this on the Hemingway Editor. pure coincidence I assure you. I live with my wife of 4 years (Hello Hatixhe!) and our two unique cats, Asher and Lulu. We try to travel as much as possible as there’s no way way to fully appreciate how travel grows you. I recommend it as mandatory for mental development. I look forward to sharing myself with you, and I hope it’s as much an adventure for you as it is for me.

Despite my lackluster literary lineage, (I’m a fool for alliteration) I hope to write, if not for a living, then at least effectively. I guess we will see in a year. Until then, thanks for reading.