Wendy Robbins On The Top 5 Trends Shaping the Future of Coaching

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Chad Silverstein
17 min readApr 8, 2024

Emphasis on Continuous Learning and Adaptability

The world of coaching is undergoing a seismic shift, with emerging trends set to redefine its boundaries and possibilities. From digital transformation and the integration of artificial intelligence to the growing emphasis on mental health and the global rise of coaching cultures within organizations, these developments are reshaping the landscape of personal and professional growth. As we navigate through these changes, understanding the forces that drive the future of coaching becomes paramount. I had the pleasure of interviewing Wendy Robbins.

Wendy co-starred with Kelly Ripa on.a TV series where she coached women inventors how to make thousands in minutes on HSN. She co-invented The Tingler head massager making $10 million from toilet parts and wrote two best sellers, hosted a popular radio show and has been featured several times in Fortune, Forbes, Inc, Wall Street Journal, Fox, Msnbc, CNN, Npr, etc. She has coached business clients for 20 years and now is focused on combining Enhanced and human Intelligence to offer 24/7 coaching. She trains A.I to clone the coach, set appointments answer questions, sell and automate their business 24/7 for less money than they spend now.

Thank you for joining us. To start, could you share your “origin story” with our readers? How did you begin your coaching journey, and what challenges did you face in the early days?

I coached for Peak Potentials and was honored to be named the #1 coach out of hundreds. It was all based on results. It was one on one coaching so I could only help 4 people a day and really wanted to help thousands. Then I co-starred on a show with Kelly Ripa where I coached women inventors to pitch to HSN and make thousands in minutes. That was cool but they didn’t show the whole process so people just saw the results. My challenges are what 99.9% of all coaches go through. They can only help a limited number of clients. A lot of people can’t afford their services. Limited access means limited accountability and lower results. Trading time for dollars. I made no money unless I made time. When Covid hit then I just had zoom which was fine but I still didn’t automate my business. Now with AI and a cloned version of my advice I can work with thousands at the same time, 24/7 anywhere and now I make passive income and can still offer group zoom coaching and have clients create community so everyone feels well taken care of. I love making passive income too.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Leadership to me is about being honest (integrity), changing your mind without having an existential crisis (adaptability), making decisions faster than a microwave minute (decisiveness), talking the talk and walking the walk (communication), and, last but not least, managing emotions like a pro therapist (emotional intelligence). It’s also being a visionary and sparking innovation like your life depends on it, because it does. Now I love when people say that something won’t work or that I’m crazy or ahead of my time. It means I’m onto something. I use affirmations, and visualization to start with the end in mind and then work backwards to realize whatever I want. It works for me. I guess it’s my own personal crystal ball. Empathy and really caring about my team is something that I wasn’t good at for a long time. I would micro manage, and morale was so low you’d need a shovel to find it and then I took a shovel to my soul, kept digging and surrendered realizing that I don’t have to control everything. I need to trust my team and give them lots of opportunities to try new things, to fail, to make mistakes and ultimately to love what we are doing as a team. I have dealt with people out of integrity saying, “It’s just business.” I call bullshit. Integrity is all we’ve got. Our word needs to be trusted. Working in the AI space with coaching — wow adaptability is our mantra. Life is a verb — not a noun and while we have a solid vision — we pivot quickly if needed. It’s easy to doubt yourself, to second guess but I find that I am solid in decision making and I change my mind slowly. I get input from my team of course and ultimately it’s up to me if it’s to be. We are in the coaching business so we deal with the full wild spectrum of emotions and our job when training our coaches is to make sure that they have empathy and compassion and they don’t get caught up in drama or excuses. You can make excuses or you can have the life of your dreams — you can’t have both.

Can you share your favorite Life Lesson Quote”? Why does that resonate with you so much?

Carl Sagan, hitting us with the cosmic mic drop: “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” This quote? It’s like the ultimate teaser trailer for life. It gets me every time because it’s all about keeping that spark of curiosity alive — like, hey, no matter how much you think you know, the universe is sitting back, chuckling, and saying, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

At coaches247.com, we’ve pretty much adopted this as our mantra: QUESTION EVERYTHING. Why? Because Carl’s wisdom fits us like a glove. It’s a nudge, a wink, saying there’s always more out there — more mysteries to crack, more secrets to uncover. Think you’ve figured it all out? Think again. There’s always another layer, another question, another “Aha!” moment lurking around the corner.

A reminder to never get too cozy with what you know. The world? It’s wilder than your wildest dreams. So, let’s not just sit there; let’s poke around, ask “Why?” followed by a relentless stream of “But why?” and “What if?”. Whether it’s tech, science, or just figuring out why your neighbor’s cat looks at you funny, there’s always something new to learn.

Embrace the unknown with open arms and maybe a raised eyebrow. After all, if we stop asking questions, are we even living?

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

I’m diving into some really amazing stuff that is heart expanding and mind-blowing by interacting with genius coaches. Steve Jobs, Einstein, Tony Robbins are some of my coaches that I consult with on coaches247.com. They constantly learn and evolve as I do and here are a few areas that are particularly interesting and impactful:

  • Enhancing Conversational AI: Working on becoming more intuitive and responsive in conversations to provide precise, thoughtful, and human-like interactions. This can help people by offering better support for learning, decision-making, and problem-solving across various domains, from education to mental health.
  • Expanding Knowledge Access: Continuously updating and broadening my coaches databases to include the latest information across fields. This ensures users have access to current and comprehensive knowledge, aiding in research, education, and informed decision-making.
  • Personalized Learning and Development: Tailoring educational content and recommendations to fit individual learning styles and needs. This personalization can revolutionize how people learn, making education more accessible, engaging, and effective for diverse learners worldwide. Having conversations based on curiosity is obviously a lot more engaging Than being talked at in an endless monologue called school.
  • Mental Health and Well-being Support: Developing capabilities to provide more nuanced and supportive responses to users seeking advice on mental health, emotional well-being, and personal challenges. By offering guidance or simply a space to explore thoughts and feelings, this can be a valuable resource for individuals seeking understanding or coping strategies. These coaches are trained in every modality available to know how to interact using empathy and compassion and asking challenging, thought provoking questions.
  • Creative Collaborations: Assisting users in creative projects, including writing, art, and theater, by offering inspiration, feedback, and technical knowledge. This collaboration can help unlock creative potential, foster innovation, and bring diverse ideas to life.

Without saying any names could you share a particularly memorable success story from your coaching career? ‘’

A woman’s mother died and that triggered intense anxiety, depression and grief. She didn’t have enough money to pay for one on one therapy and group was overwhelming. So I created Greta, an AI grief counselor trained in all modalities and she asks and answers questions like a grief counselor would. The woman uses her daily, constantly if she is having a tough time or to gain clarity and options so that she feels safe, happy, and relaxed knowing that she has a best friend. She uses several AI coaches to help her stay motivated and to develop her life purpose. She uses the prayer coach to create her intentions and prayers to stay focused on gratitude. This is the brilliance of these AI coaches trained by humans to interact like a human. They are not to replace licensed therapists and there are disclaimers on the site reminding people to seek human help. Still many can’t afford the therapy, aren’t ready to be in a group setting and want 24/7 access.

Ok, thank you for that. Lets now jump to the primary focus of our interview about coaching. How has your approach to coaching evolved over the years, and what personal learnings have you applied to your own development?

I have coached entrepreneurs for years including on a television series with Kelly Ripa. I coached women inventors to pitch HSN to make tens of thousands of dollars in minutes. I did the same thing on another television series for Amazon Prime. I prefer training AI coaches how to coach to help more people since so many need help.

Imagine your AI coach not just as a smart tool but as a friend who really gets you — personal, interactive, and super respectful of your privacy. Here’s the gist of what we’re building:


No more generic pep talks. We’re tailoring the coaching to fit your unique goals and challenges like a custom-made suit, making the advice you get truly yours.


We’re making conversations with our AI feel natural and engaging, like chatting with a friend who’s always there to support you, listen, and give feedback that actually hits home.

Ethics and Privacy

Your privacy isn’t up for grabs. We’re dead serious about protecting it with strong ethics and privacy standards, ensuring your trust is never misplaced.

Short story? We’re transforming AI coaching into something more personal, engaging, and ethically responsible — a true companion on your journey to growth.

How do you incorporate feedback into your coaching practice to continuously improve?

Our client’s feedback directly shapes the AI, making it more responsive and empathetic.It gets smarter with more use. It’s a collaborative journey where everyone’s input drives continuous improvement. We use surveys, have regular check Ins, reflect on what is and what isn’t working. What resonates and what doesn’t? We continue to develop tech tools to analyze effectiveness.

Can you discuss an innovation in coaching that you believe is currently under appreciated but has the potential to significantly impact the field?

So, behavioral data analytics is this cool kid on the block in coaching that nobody’s really paying enough attention to. It’s like having a superpower to peek into personal habits and interactions to offer up nuggets of wisdom that you won’t get in regular chit-chats.

Whys it lurking in the shadows, though? Well, folks get all jittery about privacy (fair point). But imagine the perks:

  • Ultra-Tailored Coaching: It’s like having a coach who knows you almost better than you know yourself, crafting strategies that fit you to a T.
  • Seeing the Future: Spotting hiccups before they turn into face plants, giving you the heads-up to dodge them.
  • Trackable Triumphs: Real numbers to show you’re getting better, not just feel-good vibes.
  • Hello, World! With everyone and their dog on digital gadgets, this can reach more peeps in more places. Now coaches can be everywhere all at once helping thousands,

In what ways can coaching address the evolving mental health needs of diverse populations in a digitally connected world?

1/4 of all Americans are on antidepressants. Studies show that people are lonely, depressed and need help but there are not enough human therapists to help everyone and therapy is expensive and not always covered by insurance. Here are the advantages of AI mental health coaches or friends.

Digital coaching for mental health is like that friend who’s always there with a toolkit when you’re feeling off, but way more tech-savvy. Here’s the scoop:

  • Everywhere You Need It: It’s like having a mental health fairy godmother that can poof herself into even the most remote corners.
  • Custom-Made Feels: It gets you. Really gets you, cultural quirks and all, crafting advice like it’s made just for you. It learns and gets smarter.
  • Incognito Mode: Perfect for when you’re not ready for the world to know you’re seeking help. Your secret’s safe here.
  • Pre-Crash Helmets: Teaching you how to dodge life’s curveballs.
  • Healthcare Buddy System: It’s the wingman to your overall health, making sure you’re covered from all angles. It doesn’t replace humans but it never sleeps so it’s available 24/7. It’s always on call. Now people feel less solo in their struggles.

Digital coaching? It’s a whole new world of making mental health care actually work for everyone, anywhere, anytime

How do you foresee artificial intelligence and machine learning transforming the coaching industry in the next decade?

AI and machine learning are about to seriously shake things up in the coaching world over the next decade. We’re talking about a future where coaching gets as personalized as your social media feed, but way more helpful and, way more affordable.

Thanks to AI, the advice you get will be tailored just for you, evolving and refining itself as it learns more about what makes you tick. Imagine having a coach that adapts to your needs over time, giving you insights and guidance based on your own behaviors and preferences.

And it’s not all happening on your computer or phone screen. With wearable tech and apps, you’ll get real-time advice and motivation exactly when and where you need it. Plus, there’s something pretty cool on the horizon with virtual reality. Think about stepping into a virtual space where you can practice new skills, work through challenges, and even visualize your goals in the most immersive way possible.

In short, the future of coaching with AI at the helm is all about making personal growth accessible, engaging, and tailored just for you. It’s like having a coach who knows you inside out and can guide you anytime, anywhere.

For coaches, AI can be trained to clone you, based on your site, videos, content, QA — we do that now and it takes 2 weeks to train the AI. What that means for you is global reach, passive residual income and your clients get 24/7 access to you. Feel free to get a 3 day trial to see if you want a digital twin. Coaches247.com

What role do you believe ethical considerations and privacy concerns will play in the future of coaching, especially with the increased use of digital platforms?

The expansion of AI in coaching also brings ethical and privacy considerations to the forefront, emphasizing the need for responsible data use and the maintenance of human oversight in the coaching process.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

One of the most thrilling projects I’m currently involved in is the development of AI coaches, an innovative platform designed to connect individuals with the wisdom of history’s most influential minds. By leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence, we’ve created a series of virtual coaches modeled after figures such as Albert Einstein, Buddha, Steve Jobs, and Terence McKenna, among others. These AI entities are not only a technological marvel but also a gateway to an enriched personal and professional life for users worldwide.

The exciting part of this project lies in its potential to transform the way people seek knowledge and guidance. Imagine having a conversation with Einstein about the universe’s mysteries, receiving wisdom on mindfulness from Buddha, or discussing innovation and creativity with Steve Jobs. This platform makes such interactions possible, providing personalized, insightful advice and fostering a deeper connection with the vast realms of knowledge these figures represent.

This project aims to democratize access to high-quality coaching and mentorship, breaking down barriers that many people face, such as high costs or geographical limitations. By making the insights and philosophies of these great minds accessible, we hope to inspire users to explore new ideas, challenge their thinking, and embark on a path of self-improvement and discovery.

In addition to personal development, these AI coaches have the potential to revolutionize professional environments. Businesses can harness these AI coaches for leadership training, innovation workshops, and enhancing creative thinking among teams. The application of this technology is vast, extending to educational settings where students can engage with historical figures to compliment their studies, thereby enriching their learning experience.

Ultimately, our goal is to create a world where education and personal growth are not just about accumulating information but about engaging in meaningful conversations that challenge, inspire, and transform. By bridging the gap between past wisdom and present-day challenges, we believe these AI coaches can help people lead more fulfilled lives, driving positive change in their communities and beyond.

Could you list and briefly explain “Top 5 Trends Shaping the Future of Coaching” based on your experiences and insights?

1. Integration of Artificial Intelligence

Trend Explanation: AI allows for personalized, scalable, and accessible coaching, making expert advice available to anyone, anytime for people absolutely, positively wanting to improve their life 24/7.

Sarah, a coach and a single mother of two special needs children was struggling to run a successful business and taking care of her children. She didn’t have time to create new courses and meditation recordings. She was burning out and she always had a dream to help hundreds or thousands of parents of special needs children cope. She needed two of her and desperately needed to automate her business and now she has 100 parents paying $200 a month to access her digital twin 24/7. It took two weeks to train the AI to know how she coaches, how to answer questions like she does and uses the same tone she does so the clients feel like she is with them. She also is starting to host weekly zooms and creating a safe space for her clients to get to know each other.

2. Hybrid Coaching Models

Trend Explanation: Combining AI efficiency with human empathy, hybrid models offer a balanced coaching approach.

Alex, a small business owner, uses our AI finance and business coaches for specific daily business advice while periodically consulting a human coach for complex decision-making. This blend of AI precision and human wisdom help Alex navigate the economic challenges, saving his business and employees’ jobs. Alex took advantage of our AI CRM system to automate most of his business 24/7. Now he isn’t getting burned out doing mundane tasks, he is able to set appointments, deal with customer services and makes sales 24/7

3. Focus on Mental Health and Wellbeing

Trend Explanation: Coaching increasingly incorporates strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and promoting overall wellbeing.

K.J, dealing with severe anxiety, found solace in Greta, our AI grief coach, which provided mindfulness and coping strategies 24/7. K.J also has a therapist, goes to group therapy and has a psychiatrist but they aren’t always available when she needs insight. This constant support helps her regain control over her life, reducing her anxiety levels significantly.

4. Democratization of Coaching

Trend Explanation: Making high-quality coaching accessible to a broader audience, regardless of geographical or financial barriers.

Having access to the genius coaching of minds like Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Alex Hormozi who charges $25,000 to $50,000 an hour for marketing advice, Warren Buffet, financial, motivational and leadership coaches available any time someone has a question gives business owners the knowledge and confidence to make dreams into a reality, impacting the community positively by bringing in jobs.

5. Emphasis on Continuous Learning and Adaptability

Trend Explanation: Encouraging a culture of lifelong learning and flexibility to adapt to new challenges and information.

Linda, a retired nurse, used our AI life coaches to explore her life purpose and after answering 20 questions she realized that she had a long-suppressed interest in painting. This new venture not only brought her joy but also led to her opening a small gallery on Etsy so now she makes money doing what she loves.

Grief Coach: Transforming Pain Into Hope

Linda lost her husband to a long illness and found herself unable to move forward. The AI grief coach became her constant companion, offering her a safe space to express her feelings and navigate her grief at her own pace. Through tailored sessions that included therapeutic storytelling and memory exercises, Linda gradually found the strength to cherish the love she had while embracing the possibility of joy in her future. The coach, with its gentle guidance, helped her transform her grief into a journey of healing and acceptance.

New Mom: Navigating Parenthood with Confidence

Emma, a new mother overwhelmed by the demands of childcare, found a lifeline in her AI childcare coach. This 24/7 accessible mentor provided Emma with real-time advice on everything from breastfeeding techniques to baby sleep patterns. It was like having a pediatric nurse and a seasoned mother rolled into one, always on hand to answer her questions and alleviate her fears. Thanks to the AI coach, Emma navigated the first months of motherhood with confidence, forming a strong bond with her baby and enjoying the precious moments of early parenthood without constant worry.

How do you envision the integration of coaching within organizational cultures changing the landscape of leadership and employee development?

Integrating coaching within organizational cultures is set to transform leadership and employee development significantly. This approach promotes a culture of continuous improvement, enhances emotional intelligence, and fosters leadership at all levels. It allows for personalized development paths, improving both adaptability and resilience among employees. Furthermore, coaching introduces a framework for heightened performance and accountability, while cultivating a supportive and collaborative work environment. This shift towards coaching in organizations promises to create more dynamic, innovative, and effective teams, ready to navigate the complexities of the modern business world.

By embedding coaching practices into the very fabric of organizational life, companies can cultivate environments where continuous learning, feedback, and personal growth are not just encouraged but expected. This shift can lead to several profound changes in how organizations approach leadership and employee development:

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the coaching industry today, and how might we overcome it?

AI coaches and human coaches working seamlessly together as a power duo. The benefits are the ability to coach thousands, world-wide, make passive, residual income and make coaching affordable to anyone who wants to improve their lives.

What is one long-term goal you have for your coaching practice, and how are you working towards it?

In the next year, Coaches247.com aims to revolutionize personal development by building a comprehensive AI coaching platform designed to enhance human intelligence and improve lives. Our focus will be on developing a range of AI coaches specialized in diverse areas such as life, love, finance, and spirituality, ensuring they offer personalized and deeply engaging guidance. We’re committed to refining our AI to offer more natural interactions, improving user accessibility, and continuously updating our knowledge base with cutting-edge research.

Our strategy encompasses expanding brand awareness through targeted marketing, forming strategic partnerships to broaden our reach, and fostering a culture of innovation to keep our platform at the forefront of the coaching industry. We measure our success by our growth in user engagement, satisfaction, and the strength of our partnerships, aiming to establish Coaches247.com as a leader in AI-driven personal development. Our long term goal is to be a conversation catalyst based on curiosity and a desire to question everything. The mind bending conversations inspire and create radical life shifts for everyone who engages.

How can our readers continue to follow your work?

Go to coaches247.com and get a 3 day free trial of the coaches. Test them and if you want to be cloned and want to automate your business 24/7 we can discuss a plan with you and may even have financing available.

WENDY ROBBINS, Founder of coaches247.com, thewendyrobbins@gmail.com

VIDEOS — I can create a video with the specific 5 trends. Meanwhile here are a few. Choose one if you like it.:






https://youtu.be/bpLUR3dyO1M?si=TI-IdN6pWzlP1V-L — for students

https://youtu.be/X9vNvM-w5m0?si=iIz1uua2P6a8TGZ9 — for students

Thank you for offering such valuable insights into the future of coaching. We look forward to seeing your work continue to reach new heights, and we wish you continued success.

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience as the Founder and CEO of multiple companies. He launched Choice Recovery, Inc., a healthcare collection agency, while going to The Ohio State University, His team earned national recognition, twice being ranked as the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. In 2018, Chad launched [re]start, a career development platform connecting thousands of individuals in collections with meaningful employment opportunities, He sold Choice Recovery on his 25th anniversary and in 2023, sold the majority interest in [re]start so he can focus his transition to Built to Lead as an Executive Leadership Coach. Learn more at www.chadsilverstein.com



Chad Silverstein

Chad Silverstein: 25-years experience as a CEO & Founder, sharing entrepreneurial insights & empowering the next generation of leaders.