QOTD: Am I really adding value?

The Top Projects I Always Get Asked About in Interviews

The most valuable projects I’ve worked on

Daniel Chae
3 min readMay 27, 2020


Without a doubt, I can always expect interviewers to do one of two things:

  1. Ask me why I want the job
  2. Ask me about two very specific projects I’ve listed on my resume

The rest of the interview questions vary from hypothetical, problem-solving oriented or culture-fit questions; however, I can always count on interviewers to ask the first two questions I listed.

In the spirit of circulating knowledge and bettering one another, I want to lay out the projects I always get asked about; we’ll save the “Why do you want this job?” question for another time.

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This project was from an business analyst internship I did in 2017; however, the internship was with a big tech company so interviewers were naturally curious what I did with the company. Given this, I would say interviewers are interested in the reputation of the…



Daniel Chae

Business Analyst, Tech Enthusiast, Big Fan of Home Workouts (What to do after that free coding course → coursetohire.com)