introduces an absolutely unique analytical platform: Big Analytics for big markets

5 min readJun 10, 2019

-- Team is happy to announce a cutting-edge solution for smart contract analytics is released. The developed product currently functions for smart contracts based on the Ethereum blockchain, but in the near future some other blockchains are planned to be implemented. App gathers data on all the transactions of your DApp and then converts the gained information to knowledge that is relevant for your business. At this moment the app is being tested by our partners and soon will be available to all comers.

If you own a DApp or you are a representative of a company that is interested in smart contract analysis, then you may also join to testing. Just email us at

What makes us different from the existing solutions or 5 reasons to opt for App:

1. We want you understand your audience better

Collecting data and obtaining figures is only half of the battle. To know the audience of your DApp you will need additional tools, that we want to present, are needed:

  • Trace the increase in the number of users of your DApp for a certain period
  • Study the heat map that illustrates the number of calls to your DApp by time of day during the selected date range
  • Analyze the requests to your DApp in each time interval of a day for the chosen period
  • Understand what methods of your DApp are the most popular, how many times theses methods have been called by your users and how often one and the same method is repeatedly called
  • Investigate our interactive graph that shows all the agents that interacted with your DApp

2. We want your business flourish

The aim of App is not just to extract data and get stats, but to create practical and easy-to-understand business metrics. By studying them it is possible to increase the earnings on your DApp and saturate the market. Here are some sections from, that are designed to make your business the best:

  • list of users that brought you the most profit and credited the most Ether to the balance of your DApp
  • chart illustrating the methods by calling of which the most Ether amount was received
  • graph that vividly shows your user retentions
  • chart with Ether and tokens (of all types) that represents your revenue at each stage of the analyzed period

3. We have foreseen everything for your DApp security

It is a must for any DApp to be totally secure. Even a slight error in the smart contract code may result in the collapse and lead to loss of capital. That is the reason why we use as many tools as it is possible to are to eliminate any technical risks and track anomalous behavior if any in time

  • We inspect the smart contract code for vulnerabilities with four different tools
  • We track smart contract event logs
  • We give you a snapshot how much Gas your users used when communicating with your DApp
  • We show fail transactions and explain why they happened

4. We will keep you always informed

To know about all the fortuitous events earlier than press or your DApp users do the full-fledged real-time monitoring is really needed. Using you may track all the events in the real time mode for the last 30, 20 or 1 minutes:

  • see the requests to your DApp in the live mode:
  • trace the called methods of your DApp in the live mode
  • monitor the most important events for your business even when you are off and get notifications as soon as these events trigger

5. We want you feel comfortable

UI matters: one of the key development points of is to create an app that is pleasant and convenient to use. That is why much attention was paid to the interface and creation of features that are to improve the user experience:

  • get notifications via e-mail or telegram:
  • mark the needed addresses using color labels and tags
  • search, sort and filter data in all tables
  • export data to a csv file
  • generate PDF-reports on any section

As any serious company we have conducted a competitive analysis of our product with already existing solutions in the market and want to share with you the results:

Follow the link to see the full comparison

We want to help your business to reach the tops.

For any questions or notes feel free to contact us at

