Token Sale FAQs

Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2018


What time is UTC in my country?

What is finish date?

Wednesday 4th April 2018 at 10:00 UTC

What is CHX price?


What is USD:ETH Peg?

$520: 1ETH

Is there a bonus?


How many tokens are for sale in the main sale?

38,440,516 CHX

How much are you raising in main sale?

6535 ETH OR $3.4 m USD

What is the sale format?

First come first served with a gas price cap

What is the Gas Price Cap?

100 GWEI (if you set higher than 100 GWEI transaction will fail)

What gas price should I use?

It’s up to you. It must be less than 100 GWEI though. Use this site for guidance

What is the minimum contribution?

0.1 ETH

What is the individual cap?

50 ETH

But there is no limit in the last day of the token sale

Can I contribute multiple times?


What should I set as Gas Limit?

Gas Limit should be set to 150,000 Units

What wallet should I use?

We recommend MEW or MetaMask. But any ERC20 compatible wallet should work

Do I have to do KYC?

Yes — if you have not completed KYC your transaction will fail

Can I use a different wallet address?

No — you can only use the ETH address you used to complete KYC

Can I change my wallet address?


When will tokens be distributed?

Main sale tokens will be distributed as your transaction completed. You will need to add CHX as a custom token to your wallet.

Presale CHX tokens will be distributed manually within a few days of the end of the sale.

Are CHX tokens locked / restricted?

Yes — CHX tokens will have transfers restricted (locked) until all sale tokens are distributed and our audit is complete. We will notify the community before transfers are enabled.

What address should I send ETH to?

Go to

And check the last 6 digits are 9B1f18

Can you confirm “0xskfhkh” is the correct address?

Check the last 6 digits 9B1f18

Can you PM / email me the address?

NO!!!! (because scammers will exploit this)

How do I add CHX as a custom token?

Use the following details;

Token Contract Address: 0x1460a58096d80a50a2f1f956dda497611fa4f165

Symbol: CHX

Decimals: 18

What is the CHX contract address?


Do not send any ETH to this address.

I can’t see my CHX tokens?

Add CHX as a custom token

My transaction failed — why?

Our token sale is not open.

When will tokens be unlocked?

CHX tokens will have transfers restricted (locked) until all sale tokens are distributed and our audit is complete. We will notify the community before transfers are enabled.

When exchange?

We can’t comment on exchanges for legal reasons unfortunately.

How many tokens did you sell in your presales?

61.6m CHX (all presales incl all bonuses)

How much did you raise in your presales?

7622 ETH or approximately $4m USD

How many tokens will you burn?

Any tokens that are left over from the main sale that are not sold will be burnt.

Chainium has rebranded to Own. For more information about our brand change please read this medium post.

