Airdropping Badge of Alliance NFTs in 3…2…1 — NOW!

Alliance Games
Apr 13, 2022


The time has come, dear Allies! Airdopping the Badge of Alliance in 3…2…1

Our Badge of Alliance NFT acts as a membership pass to the game with multiple perks in the ecosystem. With the Badge of Alliance, you will get access to exclusive NFT sales — definitely worth a collection!

What else can you expect going forward

  • Rewarding our most active testnet players
  • New competition announcement (end of April)
  • New game mode announcement (end of April)
  • The next minting of Badge of Alliance with lucky drop will happen mid-May

With testnet opening, we are also introducing regular competitions and airdrops until we launch the MVP.

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Alliance Games

Next level decentralized Web3 gaming infrastructure hosting and data storage services for Web3 games, powered by permissionless community nodes.