Simon’s Blog #4— A Project Update From Our Co-Founder

Alliance Games
2 min readMar 12, 2024


Greetings, Allies!

It’s time for a DappRadar Quest update. The quest has been active for nearly two weeks. It’s where we invite you to join us on a journey through our social media channels, and it has already received over 1500 entries! A big thank you to everyone who dedicated their time to successfully complete the quest. Your engagement means the world to us.

If you’re not yet familiar with the quest, participating gives you a chance to win one of 100 Badge of Alliance NFTs! Owning a Badge of Alliance makes you eligible for future $COA airdrops and the opportunity to gain the exclusive summoning stone Genesis NFT when the Beta goes live (more on this soon!). Long-term advantages of the Badge of Alliance include exclusive early access to new game updates.

What are you waiting for? Join the Dappradar quest here!

The project is making excellent progress overall. We’re making significant advancements with the combat rework and the new UI. While we’ll unveil more details in the upcoming weeks, take a sneak peek at a new combat screen (still in progress) below. We hope you enjoy the glimpse of our work!

Till next time!


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Alliance Games

Next level decentralized Web3 gaming infrastructure hosting and data storage services for Web3 games, powered by permissionless community nodes.